Anna Mandracchia's Ancestors

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Translations provided by members of the GenAG - Genealogie Agrigentine and the Italian Genealogical Records Facebook groups.
Note that the Latin months September thru December are often written in numbers, 7ber, 8ber, 9ber and 10ber, respectively.


Dominico Mandracchia was born on the evening of August 3, 1629, and baptized the next day as Andreas Domimius in the St. Vito parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, the son of Maria Ventura and her husband Calogero Mandracchia. (Mouse over and click on his Latin baptism record image upper right to enlarge it in a new window or tab.)

On December 8, 1652, Sciacca notary Raffaele Bentivegna filed a notarial marriage contract between Domenico Mandracchia and Maria Imbornone. She was born and baptized as Epifana Maria on the evening of January 5, 1637, in the mother church parish of Scuacca, the daughter of Giacoma Marotta and her husband Calogero Imbornone. (Mouse over and click on her Latin baptism record image lower right to enlarge it in a new window or tab.) She is also the younger sister to ancestor Giuseppe. A year after Maria was born, her mother died. Maria may have been raised by another family member or her step mother, who came into her life when she was almost 3 years old. Six weeks after the contract was recorded, Sciacca church marriage banns were read on January 20th, 26th and February 2nd of 1653, for Dominico and Maria. Twenty-three year-old Dominico and 16 year-old Maria were married at the Sciacca mother church on February 3, 1653. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marriage record image left to enlarge it in a new window or tab.)

Twelve mother church baptism records have been found for the children of Dominico and Maria Mandracchia as follows — Calogero Jacobo, named after both of his grandfathers and his maternal grandmother, was born and baptized as Calogerus Jacobus on July 24, 1654, but probably died young; another Calogero was born on July 27, 1655, and baptized the next day as Calogerus Gaetanus; ancestor Anna; Giuseppe was born on March 19, 1659, and baptized as Joseph Honuphius Gaetanus, the next day; Aloyisia Jacoba was born on November 8, 1660, and baptized the next day; Anna Archangela Rosalea was born on September 28, 1666, and baptized the next day; Calogera Jacoba was born and baptized on the evening of November 7, 1667, who happens to have the given names of her step grandmother and her maternal grandmother; Calogero Ignazia Vincenzo was born and baptized on January 30, 1669; Michele was born on November 18, 1674, and baptized as Michael Albertus the next day; another Calogera was born and baptized on the evening of November 16, 1679, and baptized as Calogera Margarita Angela, the next day; and Giacoma, named after her maternal grandmother, was born on May 29, 1683, and baptized the next day as Jacoba Calogera Anna. On some of these records Dominico is referred to as master, meaning he was a master at his craft.

It is not known when Domenico and Maria died, but they both were alive when their last child was born in 1683. For now this is all that is known about them.

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Calogero Mandracchia was baptized as Calogero Vito on August 26, 1588, in the St. Michele parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, the son of Caterina Spagnola and her husband Bernardino Mandracchia. (Mouse over and click on his Latin baptism record image upper right to enlarge it in a new window or tab.) On some records his surname is spelled with one c, Mandrachia.

On December 27th, 31st of 1620, and January 1st of 1621, Sciacca church marriage banns were read for Calogero and Maria Ventura. She was the daughter of Vincenzo Ventura and his wife Giacoma Benfatto, but where or when she was born in unknown. A few days later on January 6, 1621, Sciacca notary Antonino Amico filed a notarial marriage contract between Calogero and Maria. Four days after that, on January 10, 1621, 32 year-old Calogero and Maria were married at the St. Vito church in Sciacca. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marriage record image upper left to enlarge it in a new window or tab.)

Eight St. Vito baptism records have been found for the children of Calogero and Maria Mandrachia as follows — Giovanna was baptized as Joanna Catherina on October 18, 1621, and given a middle name after her paternal grandmother; Giuseppe was born on April 3, 1625, and baptized as Joseph Francisco the next day; Cunsula was born on the evening of October 11, 1627, baptized the next day and married Diego Gerardo in 1656; ancestor Dominico; Calogero was born on the evening of September 15, 1631, and baptized as Calogerus Antonius the next day; Gaspare was born on March 7, 1634, and baptized as Gaspar Antoninus Vitus the next day; Melchiore was born on the evening of June 14, 1636, and baptized as Melchior Vitus the next day; and Giacoma, named after her maternal grandmother, was born on the evening of April 3, 1640, and baptized the next day as Jacoba Benvinuta.

It is documented that Calogero was deceased and Maria was alive on February 3, 1653, the day their son, ancestor Dominico was married. Calogero died and was buried in Sciacca in the St. Maria Carmelo cemetery on December 9, 1641. (Mouse over and click on his Latin burial church record image lower left to enlarge it in a new window or tab.) His St. Vito burial record lists him as Calogero Mandracchia 53 years old, which was his correct age. It is also documented that Maria was still alive when their daughter Cunsula was married on January 9, 1656. Maria died and was buried in the St. Maria de Monte Carmelo church cemetery on October 12, 1668. (Mouse over and click on her Latin burial church record image lower right to enlarge it in a new window or tab.) Her mother church burial record lists her as Maria wife of deceased Calogeri Mandracchia about 70 years old, which calculates her birth to about 1598, but she was probably born before then. This is all that is known about them.


Calogero Imbornone was baptized as Calogero Joseppi on October 6, 1601, in the St. Vito parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, the son of Margarita Rizzuto and her husband Vincenzo Imbornone. (Mouse over and click on his Latin baptism record image upper right to enlarge it in a new window or tab.) It should be noted that his surname has been spelled many different ways including Inbornone.

On January 16, 1622, Sciacca notary Giovanni Battista Mineo filed a notarial marriage contract for Calogero Imbornone and 10 year-old Giacoma Marotta, which is the Italian translation for her Latin name of Jacoba Marotta. She was baptized as Jacoba on November 26, 1611, in the mother church parish of Sciacca, the daughter of Calogera Francaviglia and her husband Calogero Marotta. (Mouse over and click on her Latin baptism record image lower right to enlarge it in a new window or tab.) On all her records her given name is recorded as Jacoba. A year and a five months after the marriage contract was filed, Sciacca church banns were read on June 13th, 18th and 24th of 1623 for 21 year-old Calogero and the now 11 ½ year-old Giacoma to marry. They married on June 25, 1623, the day after the last banns were read, at the Sciacca mother church. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marriage record image upper left to enlarge it in a new window or tab.)

Only three Sciacca mother church baptism records have been found for the children of Calogero and Jacoba Imbornoni. Their first child was born five years after the marriage, probably because she was too young for child bearing. The three children are as follows — Nunzia was born on August 14, 1628, and baptized the next day; Giuseppe was born and baptized as Joseph Ignazius Jacobo on July 24, 1631; and ancestor Maria.

A year later Giacoma died and was buried in the convent of St. Augustini cemetery on January 3, 1638. Her mother church burial record lists her as Jacoba wife of Calogera Imbornone 30 years old, but she was only 26 when she died. (Mouse over and click on her Latin burial record image lower left to enlarge it in a new window or tab.) Less than 2 years later on October 23rd, 28th and 30th of 1639, church marriage banns were read for Calogero to marry again. On October 30, 1639, the now 38 year-old Calogero married 23 year-old Calogera Giambruno. Their marriage record lists Calogero as the widow of the deceased Jacoba Imbornone. Calogero and Calogera had a long life together with at least 10 more children born over the next 19 years. It is assumed that Calogera raised his three children from his first marriage, but it is not certain. It is not known when Calogero died but it is documented that he was alive when his son ancestor Giuseppe was married on January 12, 1665, but deceased by the time his first son by his second wife, Vincenzo, was married on August 26, 1668. Unfortunately, nothing else is known about them.

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Vincenzo Ventura was the son of Dominico Ventura and his wife Luciana, whose surname is unknown. It is not known where or when Vincenzo was born, but he may have lived as a child in the mother church parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy. There is a mother church baptism record dated October 7, 1569, for Francesca Ventura whose father is listed as Minico, who just may be Vincenzo’s sister. No other baptism records have been found for this time period, who have a father named Dominico or Minico. What is documented is that Vincenzo married and raised a family in the St. Vito parish of Sciacca.

On May 5, 1589, Vincenzo married Giacoma Benfatto, who was almost 12 years old, at the mother church in Sciacca. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marriage record image left to enlarge it in a new window or tab.) She was baptized as Jacupella on May 27, 1575, in the Sciacca mother church parish, the daughter of Mariano Benfatto and his wife Caterina Mazotta. (Mouse over and click on her Latin baptism record image upper right to enlarge it in a new window or tab.)

Vincenzo and Giacoma probably didn’t have children right away because of her age. The first Sciacca baptism record for their names was found 7 ½ years after their marriage, and none follow the naming tradition. They could have had other children who were baptized in another town. The five St. Vito baptism records found for their children, list the parents names differently. Some say Vinture, some list her as Jac’lla, but most list them as Vincenzo and Jacoba Ventura. The baptism records found are as follows — Giuseppe, who was baptized as Joseppi on November 15, 1596, but may have died young; another Giuseppe, who was also baptized as Joseppi on March 14, 1598; Dorotea on June 2, 1602; Gaspare was baptized as Gasparo Antonino on March 22, 1605, and married Francisca Bilella on August 28, 1639; and Melchiore who was baptized as what looks like Melchioni Dionisio on October 9, 1608. A Sciacca baptism record for their daughter ancestor Maria could not be found. She may have been born in the 7 ½ year gap mentioned above.

It is documented that Vincenzo was deceased when his daughter ancestor Maria was married on January 10, 1621. He died and was buried in the St. Vito cemetery in Sciacca on August 27, 1610. (Mouse over and click on his Latin burial church record image lower left to enlarge it in a new window or tab.) His very brief St. Vito burial record simply lists his name and where he was buried, no age or other information is given. A St. Vito burial record for Jacoba Ventura has been found that is probably for ancestor Giacoma. (Mouse over and click on her Latin burial church record image lower right to enlarge it in a new window or tab.) She was buried in the St. Maria di Monte Carmelo church cemetery on September 9, 1648, and is listed as 65 years old, but she was actually 73 when she died. For now this is all that is know about them.


Vincenzo Imbornone was baptized on August 2, 1564, in the mother church parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, the son of Francesco Imbornone and his wife, who may be Caterina Sinacori or Antonella, whose surname is unknown. (Mouse over and click on his Latin baptism record image upper right to enlarge it in a new window or tab.) Read more about this in Francesco’s bio. The Imbornone surname has been spelled several different was including Inbornone.

On July 19, 1587, Sciacca notary Sigismondo Mandracchia filed a notarial marriage contract for Vincenzo to marry Margarita Rizzuto. She was baptized as Margaritella on January 28, 1559, also in the mother church parish of Sciacca, the daughter of Tomaso Rizzuto and his wife Francesca Pappalardo. (Mouse over and click on her Latin baptism record image lower right to enlarge it in a new window or tab.) Almost 23 year-old Vincenzo married 28 year-old Margarita on July 20, 1587, the day after the contract filing at the mother church in Sciacca. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marriage record image upper left to enlarge it in a new window or tab.)

Only six Sciacca baptism records have been found for the children of Vincenzo and Margarita Imbornone, the first in the mother church parish and the rest in the St. Vito parish as follows — Leonarda was baptized as Narda Antonina on July 4, 1588, but probably died young; Vita Filippa on January 11, 1593; another Leonarda was baptized as Narda Maria on September 17, 1596; Vito Francesco on April 10, 1599; ancestor Calogero; and Antonino Vincenzo on February 29, 1604.

It is not known when Vincenzo died, but it is documented that it was sometime between the date his son ancestor Calogero was married on June 25, 1623, and his wife’s death. Margarita died and was buried in the St. Agostino convent cemetery in Sciacca on May 29, 1648. (Mouse over and click on his Latin burial record image lower left to enlarge it in a new window or tab.) Her mother church burial record lists her as, Margarita wife of the deceased Vincenti Imbornuni, 90 years old, which is close to her actual age of 89. For now this is all that is known about them.

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Calogero Marotta was baptized on October 24, 1580, in the mother church parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, the son of Nicolò Marotta and his wife Antonella, whose surname is unknown. (Mouse over and click on his Latin baptism record image upper right to enlarge it in a new window or tab.)

On September 23rd, 30th and October 1st of 1607, church banns were read for Calogero to marry Calogera Francaviglia. She was baptized as Calogera Giovanna, on August 20, 1590, also in the mother church parish of Sciacca, the daughter of Giacomo Francaviglia and his wife Caterina Catania. (Mouse over and click on her Latin baptism record image middle right to enlarge it in a new window or tab.) Two weeks later, on October 14, 1607, almost 27 year old Calogero married 17 year-old Calogera at the Sciacca mother church. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marriage record upper left to enlarge it in a new window/tab.)

Six mother church baptism records have been found for the children of Calogero and Calogera Marotta as follows — Antonino on September 13, 1608; Francesca on July 9, 1610; ancestor Giacoma; Nicolas, who was probably named after his paternal grandfather, was baptized on January 24, 1615; Isabella Aloisia was born and baptized on November 17, 1621; and Michele, who was born and baptized as Michael Accursius on July 2, 1632. There is another son named Vincenzo, whose baptism record could not be found, but his November 11, 1652, marriage record states he was the son of Calogero and Calogera Marotta.

Calogero died and was buried at the St. Agostino Church cemetery in Sciacca on November 28, 1637. (Mouse over and click on his Latin church burial record image lower left to enlarge it in a new window or tab.) His mother church burial record lists him as Calogerus Marotta about 60 years old, but he was only 57 when he died. Calogera lived more than 36 more years and never remarried. She died and was buried in the cemetery of the Basilica of Maria Santissima del Soccorso, which is Sciacca's mother church cemetery on December 4, 1674. (Mouse over and click on her Latin church burial record image lower right to enlarge it in a new window or tab.) Her mother church burial record lists her as, Calogera wife of the deceased Calogeri Marotta about 98 years old, but she was only 84 when she died. Unfortunately, nothing else is known about them.

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Bernardino Mandracchia was the son of Bartolomeo Mandracchia and his wife Maria, whose surname is unknown. A Sciacca baptism record has not been found for him, but he lived and raised a family in the St. Michele parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy. It should be noted that there were at least three marriage contracts for his name. The first is for October 7, 1548, to Alessandra Tomasio and they had six children; the second was on May 19, 1561, to Salvagina Baxo and they had seven children; and the third was to Cursula Rosa on November 12, 1587. Except for the third contract, the dates of the children’s birth align, so that the first two could be for the same Bernardino, but burial and church marriage records are not available to confirm it. There is also an inventory entry in Pellegrino Mortillaro’s book, Andrea Randazzo un notaio storico Volume Primo, for a Bernardino Mandrachia, dated February 5, 1562, but this was probably for the father of ancestor Giacomo, as it could not be for this ancestor Bernardino. What this proves is that their was probably more than one Bernardino Mandracchia living in Sciacca about the same time.

What is certain, is that on May 1, 1587, in the Sciacca mother church, this Bernardino married Caterina Spagnola. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marriage record right to enlarge it in a new window/tab.) She was the daughter of Florio Spagnolo and his wife Giulia, whose surname is unknown. A Sciacca baptism record for her could not be found.

Only two Sciacca baptism records, both in the St. Michele parish records, were found for the children of Bernardino Mandracchia as follows — ancestor Calogero, whose mother’s name is not listed on his baptism record; and a daughter Leonarda Giacomo, who was baptized on November 6, 1590, with her mother’s name listed as Consola, so she is probably not the daughter of this Bernardino.

Nothing is known about Bernardino and Caterina’s parents, except that their names are listed on their children’s marriage record without an indication if they are alive or deceased. It is also not known when Bernardino and Caterina died, so, at this time, this is all that is known about them.


Mariano Benfatto and his wife Caterina Mazotta’s ancestries are unknown, but they lived and raised a family in the mother church parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy. It is not known when or where they were born or baptized.

On October 27, 1560, Sciacca notary Ferdinando Juffrida Jr. filed a notarial marriage contract for Mariano Benfatto and Caterina Mazotta. (Mouse over and click on their marriage contract image left to enlarge in a new window/tab.) Unfortunately church marriage records are not available for research for this time period. What has been found are six mother church baptism records for their children. The first three records lists only the father’s name Mariano Benfatto and the last three list the mother also, as Caterini or Catinella. Because of this it can’t be certain that Caterina was the mother of the first three children. The six baptism records are as follows — Francesca was baptized on January 14, 1563; Vito Jacopo on June 22, 1564; Antonella on March 18, 1567; Cola Geronimo on October 1, 1572; ancestor Giacoma; and Michele, who was baptized as Michael on November 4, 1577.

In both volumes of Pellegrino Mortillaro’s books, Andrea Randazzo un notaio storico, Mariano’s name is mentioned a few times. In volume 1, there is an entry dated April 27, 1580, that reads, Division between Mariano, and Leonardo Benfatto, in said Not. ... Giovanni Vella. Usually in these entries, it states the division of an estate, but this entry does not. So what is being divided and the relationship between Mariano and Leonardo is not made clear. In volume 2 is a Testamento entry, which is a will being filed by the same notary, Giovanni Vella, for Mariano dated April 21, 1582. This is followed by an inventory entry in volume 1, again filed by the same notary, that is dated April 30, 1582, nine days after the will was filed. (Mouse over and click on his inventory entry right to enlarge it in a new window/tab.) This means that Mariano died sometime within those nine days. The last entry is in volume 1, for another inventory taken for his name, about 10 years later on February 20, 1592, but this one is filed by a different notary, Vincenzo Gresta. This could be when his wife Caterina died, or it may be for another man with his name. Because church burial records this far back are not available for research, these entries are the only documentation for his death. Unfortunately, nothing else is known about them.

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Francesco Imbornone's ancestry is unknown, but he lived and raised a family in the mother chuch parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy. His wife and the mother of ancestor Vincenzo is uncertain because she is not listed on Vincenzo’s baptirsm record. There is a notarial marriage contract that is documented in volume 1 of Pellegrino Mortillaro’s book, Andrea Randazzo un notaio storico, between Francesco Imbornone and Caterina Sinacori, dated March 30, 1562. This fits in with ancestor Vincenzo’s baptism, but on his marriage record his mother is listed as Antonella. It could be that Caterina was Francesco’s first wife and she died giving birth to ancestor Vincenzo. Francesco then married Antonella, who raised Vincenzo as her own child. There are no records available for research to confirm any of this, so ancestor Vincenzo’s biological mother’s name will remain a mystery.

Eight mother church baptism records have been found for the children of Francesco Imbornone, but only the last six list the mother as Antonella. The children’s baptism dates are as follows — ancestor Vincenzo; Disiata, which is consider to be a Jewish Italian name, was baptized on May 30, 1569; Catinella on March 13, 1572; Manello Antonino on January 16, 1574; Jesa, a name which is of Hebrew origin, on December 2, 1576; Antonella Marcula on August 16, 1578; Pietro as Petro Paulo on January 2, 1580; and Angela, who was baptized as Angila on August 14, 1583.

It is not known when Francesco and Antonella died, but they were still alive on July 20, 1587, the date when their son ancestor Vincenzo was married. Unfortunately, nothing else is known about them.


Nicolò Marotta and his wife Antonella’s ancestries are unknown, but they did live for a time in the mother church parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy. There is a Sciacca mother church marriage record for what looks like Cola Marotta who was married on February 24, 1576, to a woman whose name is unclear, but may be Antnulla, daughter of the deceased Caloiaro Pomilia. (Mouse over and click on his possible Latin marriage record image right to enlarge it in a new window or tab.) This could be their marriage or possibly Nicolò’s first wife. Without another form of documentation, it is impossible to know for sure.

Only two Sciacca mother church baptism records have been found for the children of Cola and Antonella Marotta as follows — ancestor Calogero and daughter Nardulla who was baptized on December 23, 1583. No other baptism records for other children in the three churches available for research have been found for them.

It is not known when Nicolò died, but there is a Sciacca mother church burial record dated February 8, 1620, for an Antonia La Marotta, who is in her 70’s, who was buried in the mother church cemetery, that may be for Antonella. (Mouse over and click on her possibile Latin burial record image left to enlarge it in a new window or tab.) This burial record does not give her husband’s name, so it is uncertain this is for her, but if it is, she was born sometime around 1550, which makes her about 20 when she married and 30 when ancestor Calogero was born. Unfortunately there isn’t any other documentation to confirm any of these findings, so this is all just possibilities.

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Giacomo Francaviglia’s ancestry is uncertain, but he lived and raised a family in the mother church parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy. His marriage record states he was the son of Antonino Francaviglia. A Sciacca baptism record for him with this father can’t be found, but the names of his first few children support this father. All of his records list him as some form of his Latin name Jacopo, like Jacomo, Jacobi, Jacobo or simply an abbreviation Jac’o. The name Giacomo is the Italian translation of these Latin names. There is a Sciacca baptism record for a Jacopello, dated January 14, 1567, in the mother church parish, the son of Bartolo Francaviglia. (Mouse over and click on his possible Latin baptism record image upper right to enlarge it in a new window or tab.) This could be him, but no other documents support that Bartolo was Giacomo’s father, so it is unlikely.

On February 7, 1588, Sciacca notary Vincenzo Giuffrida filed a notarial marriage contract for Giacomo to marry Caterinella Catania. (Mouse over and click on their marriage contract image middle right to enlarge in a new window/tab.) Five days later on February 12, 1588, at the Sciacca mother church, The Basilica of Maria Santissima del Soccorso, 21 year-old Jac’o married Caterina Catania, the daughter of master Giuseppe Catania and his wife Giovanna, whose surname is unknown.(Mouse over and click on their Latin church marriage record upper left to enlarge it in a new window/tab.) A Sciacca baptism record for Caterina can’t be found, so nothing else is known about her parents.

Nine Sciacca baptism records have been found for the children of Jacobo and Caternella Francaviglia. On all of these records the father is listed as Jacobo, but the mother is listed as Caterina or Catinella. The first two children were baptized in the mother church parish, the next three in the St. Michele parish and the last three back in the mother church parish. So it seems they moved at least twice within their lifespan. The children’s names and baptism date are as follows — Antonina on April 16, 1589; ancestor Calogera; Antonino Augustino on August 28, 1595, the first in the St. Michele parish; Giovanna, named after her maternal grandmother, on December 4, 1596; Vito Antonino on August 3, 1601; Vita Calogera on January 28, 1606; Calogero on March 15, 1607, the first after the move back into the mother church parish; Natale, named for the day he was baptized on, December 25, 1608; and Agata Vincenza on January 17, 1610.

On July 23, 1619, nine years after their last child was baptized, magistro Giacomo Francaviglia’s Testamento (will) was recorded by Sciacca notary Vincenzo Gallo. Giacomo died and was buried in the St. Dominico church cemetery, just four days later on July 27, 1619. (Mouse over and click on his Latin burial record image middle left to enlarge it in a new window or tab.) His mother church burial record lists him as Magister Iacobus Francaviglia who died in his home, but his age is not given. Caterina did not remarry right away. Four years and eight months later, on April 4, 1624, Sciacca notary Giacomo Lauro filed a notarial marriage contract for Caterina Catania to marry Gio. Giacomo Brela. Almost four weeks later on April 30th, they married at the Sciacca mother church. (Mouse over and click on her Latin church 2nd marriage record lower right to enlarge it in a new window/tab.) On this church marriage record, she is listed as the relict of the deceased master Jac’ Francaviglia. Eleven years and nine months later, she died and was also buried in the St. Dominico church cemetery on February 10, 1636. (Mouse over and click on her possibile Latin burial record image lower left to enlarge it in a new window or tab.) Her mother church burial record lists her as Catherina Francaviglia age 68, which puts her birth to about 1568. It should be noted that she is not listed as a widow of Giacomo or mentions her second husband, so there is a chance this may not be her burial record. For now, this is all that is known about them.

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