Beret Olsdatter's Ancestors |
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We wish to thank Åse for sharing the research done by genealogist Kaare Hasselberge, with us. |
Ole Olsen was born about 1732 in Bodø, Nordland County, Norway, the fourth of seven children born to OIe Jonsen and Maren Arntsdatter. He was an ironworker and a cottager on a farm called Vågøya in Kirkegrenda in the Bodø Parish. In 1762 Ole took posession of Vågøya by paying the back taxes due on it. He worked on his farm making it prosperous until his death. On January 4, 1763, he married Marit Reinholtsdatter of Mulshand, who was a few years older than him.They had at least two children, both baptized in Bodø – Elisabeth Maria on November 27, 1763; and son Ola in 1767. It is said that Marit made the farm into a wonderful home for the family. Unfortunately, Marit died at the age of 41 and was buried in the Bodø Parish churchyard on April 24, 1771, leaving him with young children. Ole Olsen died at the age of 58 and was buried on November 11, 1790, in the Bodø Parish churchyard. He left his wife pregnant with little children. It is interesting to note that in 1791, his probate papers included a “svart Haar paruqve,” which is a black hair wig. |
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Karen Andersdatter was baptized while living on the Ronvig farm in the Bodø Parish in Nordland County, Norway on October 28, 1749, only three weeks after the marriage of her parents, Anders Olsen and Berit Christendatter. Only her father’s name is given on the baptism record, but it is assumed Berit is her mother. She was the first of at least six children born to them. In 1751, the family moved to the Trondeng farm in Bodø, where she grew up. She evidently went to work on the Vaagøen farm, also in Bodø, where she met a much older widower with two children there named Ole Olsen. On October 17, 1771, she was engaged to Ole and married him there on July 28, 1772. They had seven more children together, all baptized on the dates shown in the Bodø Parish –Anders baptized 27 Sept 1772; son Kresten on November 1, 1774; Marta Maria on January 26, 1777; ancestor Berit; Lisbet Maria on April 28, 1782; Hans Olai on January 14, 1787; and Olava, who was called Olino on June 26, 1791, born seven months after her father's death. Karen’s husband died in the fall of 1790 while she was still pregnant with their last child. She ran the farm with the help of her children for six years and then remarried. On December 28, 1796, On the 1801 Census for 1843P Bodø she was listed as a twice-widowed housewife, who lived on and was the sole owner of the Vaagøen farm. Her eldest son Anders Olssen, his wife Ane, and Karen’s three other children from her first marriage, ancestor Berith, Hans Olai and Olina Olsdatter all lived and probably worked on the farm also. Sometime before 1810 the family moved to Rønvik. Karen lived another 20 years, watched her children grow and settle. She even saw the death of her son Anders, who was lost at sea just before Christmas in 1827 when he was 55 years old. Karen Andersdatter died and was buried in the Bodø Parish churchyard on December 28, 1830. Her death record states she was 87 years old and lived in Rønviig. |
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Ole Jonsen (also spelled Joensen) was born about 1698 in Bodø, Nordland County, Norway, the eldest of five children born to Joen Olesen and Marit Lydersdatter. On October 25, 1722, he married Maren Arnesdatter and they worked and raised a family for 13 years without incident.
Ole returned to his wife and they had two more children together, the last in 1738. A few years later Ole, now in his 40’s, had an affair with Enger Nilsdatter, which resulted in a son named Jo being born in 1744 in Bodø. Needless to say, the authorities came down hard on Ole. On November 15, 1744, Ole was sentenced to a punishment of the confiscation of half of his goods and money to be forfeited to the Crown. The sentence went on to state that if he claimed “he did not own anything” he would live on “bread and water for 14 days” and it included an even harsher punishment that would cause him suffering for another 2 years. It is assumed that he handed over half of his fortune. What became of Enger and the son Jo, is not known, but Maren took her husband back again. On the List of People of Bodin Around 1750, compiled by Pastor Blom Svendsen in 1749, the family is living on the farm Soløya. The ink is somewhat smudged on the page, but most of the names are clear- Ole Joensen; Maren Arentsd.; 25 year-old Berit Olsd.; 23 year-old Ingeborg Olsd.; 13 year-old Marit; and 15 year-old Joen Olsen. When Ole was 65, their children, except for Arn, had already left home. They divided their farm Soløya in half and in 1763, gave Arn one parcel which later became known as Arngården. Ole and Maren probably stayed on the other half and worked it for a while longer. Ole had run the farm so well that it was an attractive farm to others. In 1769, Ole was now over 70 years old and he either couldn’t or did not want to continue farming. His son Arn couldn’t manage more than he already had, so Ole handed his half of the farm over to Jan Andersson from Mørkved, who could read and write and was equipped with tools for carpentry and smithing. It is not known if Ole sold the farm to Jan or gave it to him. They could have made an arrangement to continue to live in their house while Jan worked the farm. They also could have lived with Arn in the main house or they could have built a Kårhus, a new house for the retired couple on the farm. (In the last 100 years it became a common practice in Norway to build a Kårhus. The retired couple would give free labor on the farm, while the oldest son lived in the main house and ran the farm.)
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Maren Arnesdatter was born sometime between 1693 to 1695, probably in the Børelva of Straumen Parish in Bodin, Nordland County, Norway and may be the daughter of Arne Eriksen. On October 25, 1722 she married OIe Jonsen. They had an unusual marriage, but at least seven children were born of it – Berit about 1724 to 26; Ingeborg about 1725 to 27; ancestor Ole; Arn about 1734; son Joen born about 1734 to 35; Marit about 1736 to 37; and Jacob born about 1738.
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Anders Olsen was born about 1724 in Bodø, Nordland County, Norway, the sixth of seven known children born to Ole Andersen and Siri Andersdatter. He was raised on Jogården, a farm in Lower-Rønvik. On October 7, 1749, he married Berit Christendatter in the Bodø Parish church. They lived a short time on the Ronvik farm but in 1751 moved to the Trondeng farm also in Bodø. They had at least six children together-see Berit’s bio for more about them. His father and mother lived with his family during their older years.
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Berit Christendatter was born between 1720 and 1726 to unknown parents. She was a maid on a farm called Jensvoll, in Bodø, Nordland County Norway, and was consider a sojourner, working and living on one farm to another. In 1749, she was listed as 29 years-old, a proper person living on the Jensvoll farm. She met and married Anders Olsen on October 7, 1749, in the Bodø Parish church. On the marriage record he was listed as living on the Ronvik farm and she, on the Jensvoll farm.
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Ole Andersen was born about 1699 to unknown parents, probably in Bodø, Nordland, Norway. He met and then married Siren Andersdatter on January 9, 1718, in Bodø, and they had at least seven children together. From 1722 to 1750, he was a farmer in Lower-Rønvik on a farm called Jogården. |
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Siri Andersdatter’s birth is said to be sometime between 1692 and 1695, although her death record calculates it to be in 1683, which could be a 10 year mistake. She was the eldest child of four known children born to Anders Ingebrigtsen and Marit Greisdatter and probably was baptized in the Vefsn Parish of Nordland County, Norway. Her given name has also been recorded as Siren. Her family moved to Bodø during her childhood as she grew up on the family farm in Hærnes, which was in the Bodin Parish. Siren Andersdr met Ole Andersen in Bodø and married him there on January 9, 1718, a year prior to her father’s death. (Mouse over their marriage record image left and click to enlarge in a new window or tab.) Ole and Siren, as she is listed on 5 of their baptism records, had at least six children together, all baptized in the Bodø Parish Church on the dates shown – Later in life she moved with her husband to her son’s farm called Trondeng, which was in Rønvik. Record show that 85 year old Siri Andersdtr of Rønvig died in 1768, eight years after her husband’s death and she was buried in the Bodø Parish Churchyard on November 13th of that year. |
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Arne Eriksen was born about 1651 to unknown parents. No documentation exists that proves he was an ancestor, but some researchers believe he is. He lived and worked on a farm called Smedvika in Bodø, Nordland County, Norway. He is believed to be the father of ancestor Maren Arnesdatter. Some say he lived his early years in the Børelva of Straumen Parish in Bodin, Nordland County, but again no proof of this is given. There is a marriage record in the Bodø Parish records for an Arne Erichsen who married Martha Helgesdr on February 2, 1724 who might be him. If it was, it was a short marriage, as researchers say he died in 1724 at the age of 73. Unfortunately the parish records for this year, end in early May. Nothing more is known about him. |
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Anders Ingebrigtsen was born about 1667 to unknown parents. Not much is known for certain about him. Researchers tell us that our Anders was a farmer in South Hærnes on a farm called Andersgården, a part of the Inder-Hernes farm in Bodø, from the early 1700’s until his death. There are many records for this name in the Norwegian Archives, but none are for Bodø. Indexed records for this time period in the Bodø Parish are not on the archives web site. The Bodø records begin in the year 1713. There are several entries for his name in the Vefsn Parish, Nordland County church register, but some do On the 1701 census there is an Anders Ingegrigtsen listed as a Hũũsmand (renter) with two sons, 4 year-old Ingbriet and 1 year-old Anders. Shortly after that Anders and Marit worked on a part of the Indre-Hernes farm called Andersgården. They worked hard and the farm prospered, which is supported by the fact that Anders paid the Shoe Tax. In 1711, the government imposed an additional tax, called Skoskatt or the Shoe Tax. It was a tax on new shoes, clothing, wagons, equipment, and other items that were not a necessity. Today is would be described as a form of luxury tax. In the Bodø Parish register, a record exists for 51 year-old Anders Ingbritson of the Inder-Hernes farm, who died and was buried on February 5, 1719, in the parish churchyard. The same burial record included the name of his 21 year-old son, Ingbriet, who was buried with him. (Mouse over the burial image right and click to enlarge in a new window or tab.) After Anders died, Marit took over the farm. |
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Marit Greisdatter was born about 1665 to unknown parents. Her surname suggests that she was from the Selnes farm in Væran in the old Bodin Parish in Nordland County, Norway, where a man named Gregus (Greis) lived in the 1660's, who could be her father. Some researchers say she is the daughter of Greis Persson and his wife Ane Mikkjelsdatter, but give no supporting documentation. On October 18, 1691, Marit married Anders Ingebrigtsen in the Vefsn parish in Nordland County, and they had at least four children – ancestor Siri; son Ingbriet in about 1698 who died at age 21; Anders in about 1700; and Jens, about 1705. It is believed the first two were born in the Vefsn Parish and the last two at Hærnes in the Bodø Parish.
Marit died on the Inder-Hernes farm in 1740 in Bodø. Her probate was settled on September 30, 1740, and it shows that the farm was in very good shape. Her assets were much larger than her debt and they included two houses, one boathouse, a sea hut, 2 horses, 9 cows, a boat with sail and anchor, another 3 older boats, and 4 books, so they must have been able to read. Another interesting item mentioned was 3 silver spoons, one with the letters A P N and J E P and two unmarked spoons. Joen remarried soon after Marit’s death, and had several children. It is interesting to note that after Marit died, Joen and his new wife Berith Andersdatter, named their first child after Marit. This was a common practice in Norway at that time. Joen died in 1763, and the farm was handed down to his descendants until 1952, when it was expropriated. |
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