Angela Failla's Ancestors |
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Note that the Latin months September thru December are often written in numbers, 7ber, 8ber, 9ber and 10ber, respectively.
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Antonino Failla was born about 1598, probably in Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, the son of Bartolomeo Failla and his wife Giovanna Dayna, but a Sciacca baptism record could not be found for him. He is also the brother of ancestor Vincenzo.
 On July 26, 1626, Sciacca notary Antonino Amico filed a notarial marriage contract for Antonino to marry Filippa Chiarello. She was baptized in the St. Michele parish of Sciacca on January 26, 1609, the daughter of Calogero Chiarello and his wife Angela, whose surname is uncertain but was probably Bentivegna (read more about this in Calogero’s bio). (Mouse over and click on her Latin baptism image upper right to enlarge in a new window/tab.) She is also the younger sister to ancestor Francesco. A week after the contract was filed, Sciacca church marriage banns were read on August 2nd, 9th and 10th. A week after the banns were completed Antonino, who was about 28 years old and 17 year-old Filippa were married in the Sciacca St. Michele church. 1728. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marrage image upper left to enlarge in a new window/tab.)
Nine St. Vito baptism records have been found for the children of Antonino and Philippa Faylla as follows — ancestor Angela, named after her maternal grandmother; Giuseppe was born and baptized as Joseph Bartolous, after his paternal grandfather, on the morning of October 30, 1630; Calogero was born on October 23, 1633, and baptized the next day as Calogerus Joseph, after his maternal grandfather; Vincenza Calogera was born on May 12, 1636, and baptized the next day; Antonia Vita was born on June 11, 1639, and baptized the next day; Anna Maria Nicolina was born and baptized on May 30, 1642; another Giuseppe was born on the evening of May 13, 1645, and baptized as Joseph Nicolaus the next day; Anna Dominica Margarita was born on August 3, 1647, baptized by the midwife because she was in imminent danger of death, and on the next day, she was baptized by a priest; and lastly another Calogero who was born and baptized as Calogerus Vincenius on the evening of September 1, 1652.
 Filippa wrote her will and it was filed by Sciacca notary Tomaso Abruzzo on March 3, 1648, which was 7 months to the day that she gave birth to her daughter Anna Dominica Margarita who almost died during the process. (Mouse over and click on her will entry image middle left to enlarge in a new window/tab.) Having such a hard birth, must have affected her own health. It could be that before she gave birth again, she wanted to write down her wishes for her children. Filippa lived another 22 years and watched her children grow up. A month and a half before her 62nd birthday, Filippa died and was buried in the St. Maria di Lillo convent cemetery on December 13, 1670. (Mouse over and click on her Latin burial image lower right to enlarge in a new window/tab.) Her mother church burial record lists her as Philippa wife of Antonini Faille, 60 years old. A little more than 2 years later, Antonino died and was buried on March 22, 1673, in the same cemetery as his deceased wife. (Mouse over and click on his Latin burial image lower left to enlarge in a new window/tab.) His mother church burial record lists him as Antoninus Failla about 72 years old. For now this is all that is known about them. |
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Bartolo Failla was baptized as Bartolo Caloyaro on October 24, 1557, in the mother church parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, the son of Giovanni Failla and his wife Calogera Campo. (Mouse over and click on his Latin baptism image upper right to enlarge in a new window/tab.)
On July 1, 1582, Sciacca notary Martino Russo file a notarial marriage contract for Bartolo Faylla to marry Giovanna Dayna. She was baptized as Johana Sigismunda on September 3, 1564, also in the mother church parish of Sciacca, the daughter of Martino Dayna and his wife Modesta Scarpinato. (Mouse over and click on her Latin baptism image middle right to enlarge in a new window/tab.) Twenty-four-year old Bartolo and 17 year-old Joannella, a Latin form of Giovanna, were married on July 8, 1582, at the mother church in Sciacca. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marrage image upper left to enlarge in a new window/tab.)
Seven Sciacca baptism records were found for the children of Bartolo and Giovanna Failla, the first six in the mother church parish and the last one in the St. Michele parish. On these records Giovanna is sometimes called Johanna, Joanella, or Joanna. Their children are as follows — Calogera, named after her paternal grandmother was baptized on September 21, 1583; Filippa on October 7, 1586; Brigida on January 1, 1589; Francesca was baptized as Frana Petra on August 1, 1590; Francesco was baptized as Franco Vino on April 20, 1593, is also an ancestor who grew up to marry ancestor Vincenza Bosco, the sister of ancestor Angela Bosco, on March 1, 1615; Margarita Beatrice on December 3, 1595, who grew up to marry Giacomo Filippo Rizzo on February 1, 1621; and Leonardo Petro on October 8, 1601, the only one baptized in the St. Michele parish. A baptism record for ancestor Antonino could not be found in the available Sciacca records. It could be that in the more than 5 years between the last two children, the family moved out of Sciacca and Antonino was born in another town.
It is not known when Bartolo died, but it is documented that he died some time after ancestor Antonino was married on August 17, 1626. There is a Testamento (a will) entry dated April 28, 1633, in Pellegrino Mortillaro’s book, Andrea Randazzo un notaio storico Volume Secondo, for a Bartolo Faylla that is probably for ancestor Bartolo. (Mouse over and click on the will entry image middle left to enlarge in a new window/tab.) Unfortunately a burial record or inventory entry could not be found for him around this time period. In Mortillaro’s book there are two Testamento entries that seem to be for ancestor Giovanna. The first is dated November 29, 1636, and lists her as Giovanna Failla moglie [wife of] di Bartolo (mouse over and click on her first will entry image lower middle left to enlarge in a new window/tab) and the second is dated April 8, 1638, and lists her as Giovanna Faylla di Bartolomeo. (Mouse over and click on her second will entry image lowest left to enlarge in a new window/tab.) Neither say her husband is deceased, but that may not be the custom. But her burial record contains the fact that Bartolo died before her. Giovanna died and was buried in the mother church cemetery on January 7, 1641.  (Mouse over and click on her Latin burial image lower right to enlarge in anew window/tab.) Her St. Michele burial record lists her as Joanna Failla 80 wife of deceased Bartolomei Failla, but she was only 76 when she died. This confirms that he died between August 17, 1626, and January 7, 1641. It needs to be noted that St. Michele burial records are missing between August of 1634 and September of 1637, which may be when Bartolo died. It could be that Giovanna wrote her will in 1636 because her husband had just died. Unfortunately, without more data it is impossible to know exactly when Bartolo died.
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Calogero Chiarello’s ancestry is uncertain. He is probably the Nardo Calogero, who was baptized on January 9, 1573, in the mother church parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, the son of Filippo and Giovanna Chiarello, but without more documentation it can’t be certain. (Mouse over and click on the Latin baptism image upper right to enlarge in a new window/tab.) What is documented is that Calogero’s wife and his daughter ancestor Filippa’s mother, was named Angela, but her surname is uncertain.
In Pellegrino Mortillaro’s book, Andrea Randazzo un notaio storico Volume Primo there are two notarial marriage contract entries for a Calogero Chiarello married to an Angela that could be ancestor Calogero. Unfortunately, church marriage records could not be found for either of these marriages and burial records for this time period are unavailable for research. It should be noted that the only marriage records available for research that go back this far are in the mother church files, St Michele begins in 1607 and St. Vito in 1598. The following are the details found about these two contracts.
The first is a contract with Angela Favara, which is dated March 31, 1587, this would make Calogero only 14 years old when the contract was signed-not probable, but possible. This couple had a daughter named Leonarda who was baptized on April 4, 1603, sixteen years after their contract date, in the St. Michele parish of Sciacca. They probably had several other children during that sixteen year gap, but church records don’t go back that far. She could be ancestor Calogero’s first wife, but she is unlikely to be ancestor Filippa’s mother.
The second contract is with Angela Bentivegna, dated January 3, 1605, which makes Calogero just about 32 years old. (Mouse over and click on the marriage contract entry image upper left to enlarge in a new window/tab.) This seems more likely that Angela Bentivegna is the ancestor. She was baptized on September 24, 1591, in the mother church parish of Sciacca, the daughter of Vincenzo Filippo Bentivegna and Margarita Longo. (Mouse over and click on her Latin baptism image middle right to enlarge in a new window/tab.) The nine St. Michele baptism records found for the children of Calogero and Angela Chiarello are probably Angela Bentivegna’s children. They are as follows — Francesco was baptized on February 22, 1606; ancestor Filippa, who may be named after her paternal grandfather; Geronimo was baptized as Hieronimo on November 3, 1610; Vita on March 18, 1613; Giovanna on May 7, 1616; Leonarda Antonina on October 27, 1617; Pietro Giuseppe on February 13, 1620, but may have died young; another Pietro Giuseppe was born on August 12, 1621, and baptized by the midwife because of his imminent danger of death; and Giovanni who was born and baptized as Joannes Joseph on April 13, 1627.
It is documented that Calogero was alive, but Angela was deceased on January 7, 1637, the date their daughter Leonarda was married. It is also documented that Calogero was deceased by the time their son Francesco was married on August 15, 1638. Calogero wrote his will (Testamento) and it was filed by Sciacca notary Antonino Amico on April 15, 1638. (Mouse over and click on the will entry image lower right to enlarge in a new window/tab.) Almost a month later on May 12, 1638, an inventory of his property was taken and filed by the same notary. (Mouse over and click on the inventory entry image lower left to enlarge in a new window/tab.) Calogero died sometime during that 27 day period, but a church burial record could not be found for him. A burial record for Angela could not been found either, but it should be noted that St. Michele burial records are missing after 1634 up to September of 1637. Their is however, a St. Michele burial record dated June 11, 1627, for Angela, wife of Phi Chiarello. This could be her and an error was made recording her husband’s name, as it is 2 months after her last child was born and Filippo was Calogero’s father’s name. There is just too much uncertainty about this couple, so until more data can be uncovered, this is all that is known.
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Giovanni Failla was baptized as Jo: (an abbreviation of Joannes which is the Latin name for Giovanni) in January of 1530, in the mother church parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, the son of Bartolo Failla and his wife Calogera Calcara. (Mouse over and click on his Latin baptism index image right to enlarge in a new window/tab.) It should be noted that a register record is not available for his baptism and a mother’s name is not on the index record found.
On November 25, 1554, Sciacca notary Pietro Falco filed a notarial marriage contract for Giovanni and Calogera Campo. (Mouse over and click on their marriage contract entry image left to enlarge in a new window/tab.) Unfortunately, nothing is known about Calogera. A Sciacca baptism record for her or a Sciacca church marriage record for them could not be found as available marriage records begin in 1568, so her ancestry is unknown.
Only four mother church baptism record have been found for the children of Joannello or Johannuo Failla, but a mother’s name is not listed on any of them. His children are as follows — ancestor Bartolo, who was named after his paternal grandfather, was born 3 years after his parents marriage; Vincenzo Giovanni was baptized as Vinc’zo Johannus on November 9, 1560; Matteo on September 21, 1566; and Leonardo, who was baptized as Nardo Barnaba on December 2, 1568. They probably had other children, but these are the ones documented to date.
It is not known when and where Giovanni or Calogera died, so nothing else is known about them. |
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Martino Dayna and his wife Modesta Scarpinato’s ancestries are unknown, but they lived and raised a family in the mother church parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy. On July 9, 1553, Sciacca notary Fiderico Bonachia filed a notarial marriage contract for them to marry. (Mouse over and click on their marriage contract entry image upper right to enlarge in a new window/tab.) Unfortunately, baptism or a church marriage record could not be found for them in the available records for research.
Six mother church baptism records have been found for the children of Martino La Daina, none listing the mothers name as follows —Melchiona, who was baptized as Minihona Adrianella on August 19, 1554, grew up to marry Giuseppe Carusello in the Sciacca mother church on April 22, 1576; Filippo was baptized as Pho on July 24, 1557; Pietro was baptized as Petro Vinc’zo on August 6, 1559; Paolo was baptized as Paulo Jo: on October 14, 1561; ancestor Giovanna; and Baptista Antonino who was baptized on February 16, 1567.
In both volumes of Pellegrino Mortillaro’s books, Andrea Randazzo un notaio storico, Martino’s name is mentioned. Two years after the marriage contract mentioned above, he made an official agreement with Luna of a place in Scunchipane on April 8, 1555, about a parcel of land. Forty-two years later, in November of 1597, no day listed, Martino has his will filed by Sciacca notary Vincenzo Palermo. (Mouse over and click on his will entry image left to enlarge in a new window/tab.) A few days later, on November 27th, that same notary recorded a “donation, due to death of Martino Dayna, of a place in Scunchipane to Gaspare, Michele, and Martino Dayna, his grandchildren (sons of Paolo Dayna).” (Mouse over and click on his death donation entry image lower right to enlarge in a new window/tab.) This means Martino probably died in the latter part of November of 1597. Scunchipane is in the country side, about 5 miles north and slightly west of the center of Sciacca. Unfortunately, church burial records are not available for research before 1606. It is not known when Modesta died, so this is all that is known about them.
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Filippo Chiarello and his wife Giovanna's ancestries are unknown, but they lived and raised a family in the mother church parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy. There names come from their son ancestor Calogero’s baptism record, but her surname is not listed, and a Sciacca baptism record has not been found for Filippo. Neither can a church marriage record or a marriage contract be found for them.
What has been found are six mother church baptism records for the children of Pho di Chiarello, only the last three list a mother’s name as follows — Lauria was baptized on April 15, 1560; Francisca or Francisco (hard to read), on November 6, 1563; Biaggio, who is most likely also an ancestor was baptized as Blasi Calogero on April 11,1568; ancestor Calogero, the first to have Joanna listed as his mother; Giovanna was baptized as Joanna on August 14, 1575; and Beatrice on September 12, 1577, whose mother is listed as what looks like Cursa, so she may not be part of this family.
It is not known when Filippo and Giovanna died, so nothing else is known about them. |
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Vincenzo Filippo Bentivegna was baptized on May 26, 1553, as Vic’o Pho, in the mother church parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, the son of Angelo Bentivegna and his first wife Laurea Bivona. (Mouse over and click on his Latin baptism image upper right to enlarge in a new window/tab.) He is also the older half-brother of ancestors Leonardo who married Maria Rovello and Michele who married Caterina Alesi. It is assumed that Vincenzo Filippo's mother died shortly after his birth, and he was raised by his father’s second wife, Margarita Munti.
On January 21, 1585, thirty-one year old Vic’o Pho married Margarita Longo at the Sciacca mother church, which was The Basilica of Maria Santissima del Soccorso. register.6th (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marrage image left to enlarge in a new window/tab.) She was the daughter of Pietro Longo and his wife Vita, whose surname is unknown. A Sciacca baptism record could not be found for her, but she may have been born around 1568 or she was baptized with another name and just called Margarita. See her parents bios for her siblings. On this marriage record Vincenzo Filippo’s mother is listed as Margarita.
It is unusual that only one Sciacca baptism record has been found for their children, but ancestor Angela, who was named after her paternal grandmother, is the only one who has these parents. There is another child who could be theirs. Lauria, who may have been named after her biological maternal grandmother, was baptized on May 5, 1593, in the mother church parish, but her parents are listed as Philippo and Maria Bentivegna.
It is not known when or where Vincenzo Filippo died, but Margarita’s burial record may have been found. There is a St. Vito burial record dated October 10, 1638, for a Margarita Bentivegna age 70, who was buried in the St. Maria de Monte Carmelo cemetery. (Mouse over and click on her Latin burial image lower right to enlarge in a new window/tab.) This puts her birth to about 1568. Although she isn’t listed as being the wife of Vincenzo Filippo, this may be ancestor Margarita. For now this is all that’s known about them.
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Bartolo Failla and his wife Calogera Calcara ancestries are unknown, but they lived and raised a family in the mother church parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy. They are believed to be the parents of ancestor Giovanni, but no documentation exists to confirm Calogera is his mother.
On May 22, 1519, Sciacca notary Pietro Buscemi filed a notarial marriage contract for them to marry, which is documented in Pellegrino Mortillaro's book, Andrea Randazzo un notaio storico Volume Primo. (Mouse over and click on their marrage contract image left to enlarge in a new window/tab.) Church marriage records are not available for research this far back, so their parents are unknown.
Only three Sciacca mother church index records have been found for the children of Bartolo Failla, none list a mother’s name or a day as follows — Francesco Antonino in March of 1529; ancestor Giovanni in January of 1530; and Petra Lusia in May of 1536. They probably had other children earlier than these listed, but available records don’t go back that far.
There is a Testamento, a will entry filed by Sciacca notary Benedetto Lauro, in the second volume of Mortillaro’s book, mentioned above, for a Bartolomeo Faylla, dated September 7, 1587, that could be for ancestor Bartolo. A property inventory entry has not been found nor has a burial record, but church records are not available for this time period. Unfortunately, nothing else is known about them. |
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Angelo Bentivegna’s ancestry is unknown, but he lived and raised a family in the mother church parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy. It is assumed that he is the Angelo who first married Laurea Bivona as there is a notarial marriage contract, filed by Sciacca notary Bartolomeo Modica, for Angelo Bentivegna and Laurea Bivona dated May 14, 1545. (Mouse over and click on their marrage contract image right to enlarge in a new window/tab.) Sciacca church marriage records are not available for research for this time period, so this is all assumption. Sciacca baptism records for this time period do not list the mother’s name, so only these four mother church records are assumed to be Laurea’s children —Giovanni was baptized as Jo: in February of 1546, but may have died before his 10th birthday; Antonino Giacomo as Ant’no Jacopo in June of 1547; Caterini on February 14, 1552; and ancestor Vincenzo Filippo. Laurea must have died within a year after ancestor Vincenzo Filippo was born, as Angelo married again. Unfortunately this can’t be confirmed as burial records are not available for this time period.
On September 29, 1554, Sciacca notary Fredinando Juffrida junriore filed a notarial marriage contract for Angelo Bentivegna and Margarita Munti. Again this can’t be confirmed because Sciacca church marriage records don’t go back this far. Margarita's ancestry is also unknown. The following six mother church baptism records are assumed to be her children — ancestor Leonardo as Jo: Leonardo; Antonina Catirnella on September 18, 1560; Filippo, who was baptized as Pho on May 12, 1562; ancestor Michele Vincenzo; Francischella on January 7, 1567; and Barnardo Dominico on March 27, 1569.
Although most of this is assumptions, it should be remembered that the ten mother church baptism records found only list the father’s name, Angelo Bentivegna. Because none of the dates conflict, it is logical to assume these children are all from the same father, who is the parent of three male ancestors.
It is not known when or where Angelo and Margarita died, but it is documented that Angelo was still alive on ancestor Leonardo’s February 22, 1599, marriage record. Until more documents can be found and researched, it must be remembered that the two marriages are just assumptions. |
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Pietro Longo and his wife Vita’s ancestries are unknown, but they lived and raised a family in the mother church parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy. Their names come from their daughter ancestor Margarita’s marriage record. A church marriage record or a marriage contract could not be found for Pietro and Vita in the available Sciacca records.
Seven mother church baptism records have been found for the children of Petro La Longo, but two may not be for this ancestor, and only one lists a mother named Vita as follows — Silvestro was baptized as Silvestri Vin’zo on May 16, 1562; Julia Vincenza on January 11, 1564; Crispino Bartholomeo on October 24, 1566; Giovanni as Jo: Jacopo Vin’zo on September 13, 1569; and Deodata Charuza on March 16, 1575, the only record that lists a mother Vita. A baptism record for ancestor Margarita has not been found, but she may be any one of these daughters baptized with another name. The other two baptism records found for Petro La Longo are as follows — Giovanna, who was baptized as Jo:na in August of 1530, but it seems way too early to be in this family; and Mattia Caterina who was baptized on February 24, 1577, who could be Vita’s daughter, but she may not be. There is a mother church marriage record for a Pietro Longo and Catinella Angenti, dated April 11, 1576. There is no mention that Pietro is a widow, but this could be a second marriage for him or an entirely different couple. In either case Pietro and Catinella had at least five more children dating to January 30, 1588. Unfortunately, burial records are not available for research this far back, so it’s impossible to know if this is ancestor Pietro’s second marriage.
Pietro’s name is mentioned at least two times in Pellegrino Mortillaro’s book, Andrea Randazzo un notaio storico Volume Secondo. The first was filed by Sciacca notary Geronimo Agostino on December 28, 1570. It states Pietro is buying a vineyard in S. Caterina from Giovanni Terranova. (Mouse over and click on the sale of property image left to enlarge in a new window/tab.) This may very well be ancestor Pietro, as he was married and having children at this time. The second entry is a Testamento, a will, filed by Sciacca notary Giacomo Lauro on April 25, 1626. (Mouse over and click on his will entry image right to enlarge in a new window/tab.) If this is for ancestor Pietro, he would have been very old. An inventory entry or a church burial record could not be found for him in this time period. Because there is no other documentation, nothing else is known about Pietro and Vito.
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