Francesca Luvaro's Ancestors

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Translations provided by members of the GenAG - Genealogie Agrigentine and the Italian Genealogical Records Facebook groups.

Note that the Latin months September thru December are often written in numbers, 7ber, 8ber, 9ber and 10ber, respectively.


Antonino Luvaro was born on August 1, 1633, and baptized that same day as Antoninous Accursius in the mother church parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, the son of Francesca Melfa and her husband Raphael Luvaro. (Mouse over and click on his Latin baptism record image upper right to enlarge in a new window or tab.) He is also the younger brother of ancestors Luciana and Vita Luvaro.

On December 8, 1664, Sciacca notary Calogero Liotta filed a notarial marriage contract for Antonino Luvaro and Cursula Giambruno to marry. A few weeks later on December 26th, 27th and 28th, church banns church banns were read for Antonino to marry Cunsula Giambruno. She was born and baptized also in the mother church parish of Sciacca, on January 11, 1649, as Cunsula Joanna, the daughter of Francesco Giambruno and his wife Francesca, whose surname is unknown. (Mouse over and click on her Latin baptism record image lower right to enlarge in a new window or tab.)  Antonino and Cunsula were married on January 11, 1665, at the mother church in Sciacca. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marriage record image upper left to enlarge in a new window or tab.)

Only three Sciacca mother church baptism records have been found for the children of Antonino and Cuncula Luvaro as follows — ancestor Francesca, who was named after both of her grandmothers; Raphael, who was named after his paternal grandfather, was born and baptized on July 14, 1670, as Raphael Petrus Ignazius, but died on November 17, 1670, only 4 months old; and another Raphael, who was born on October 6, 1671, and baptized the next day as Raphael Ignazius Calogerus.

Nothing is known about Cunsula’s parents, except they were both still alive when their daughter ancestor Cunsula was married in 1665.

Antonino died on February 23, 1673, in Sciacca. (Mouse over and click on his church death and burial record image lower left to enlarge in a new window or tab. ) His death and burial record, which was found in the mother church file, states he was 40 years old, but in reality he was 6 months short of his 40th birthday. It seems to say he was buried in St Dominic’s cemetery, but it is difficult to read. When her husband died, Cunsula was left with young children, but their is no proof that she remarried. It is not known when Cunsula died, but she was alive when her daughter ancestor Francesca was married on July 30, 1679. On that marriage record, she is simply listed as the the living Cunsula Luvaro, so it would seem she did not remarry. Unfortunately, at this time, this is all that is known about them.

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Raphael Luvaro was the son of Luciana Morano and her husband Antonino Luvaro. He was probably born in late 1593, in Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, but a baptism record could not be found for him. His name is sometimes spelled as Raffaele.

In 1613, on December 27th and 30th church banns were read for Raphael to marry Francesca Melfa. She was born and baptized in the mother church parish of Sciacca on September 1, 1590, the daughter of Gatulla Stills and her husband Giacomo Melfa. (Mouse over and click on her Latin baptism record image upper right to enlarge in a new window or tab.) Raphaele and 23 year-old Francesca were married on January 7, 1614, at the Sciacca mother church. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marrage image left to enlarge in a new window/tab.) Raphael and Francesca are the parents of three ancestors.

Six mother church baptism records have been found for the children of Raphaele and Francesca Luvaro as follows — ancestor Leonarda Luciana, was called by her middle name after her paternal grandmother; daughter Agata was baptized on September 6, 1618; Rosalia was born and baptized on February 11, 1626, and married Francesco Vento on November 15, 1648; ancestor Vita Antonina; Accursio Joseph on December 16, 1630; and ancestor Antonino, who was named after his paternal grandfather.

Francesca died on June 26, 1635, and was buried at the St. Dominico cemetery. (Mouse over and click on her church death and burial record image lower left to enlarge in a new window or tab.) Her death and burial record was found in the mother church records and states she was 45 years old, which is only 1 year off of her actual age of 44. A second marriage for her husband, Raphael, can not be found in the records of the three churches that are available for research. It is not known when Raphael died, but he was still alive when his son Antonino was married on January 11, 1665. Unfortunately, at this time, nothing else is known about them.


Antonino Luvaro was baptized in the mother church parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, on December 19, 1568, the son of Raffaele Luvaro and his wife Marchisa, whose surname is unknown. (Mouse over and click on his Latin baptism record image upper right to enlarge in a new window or tab.)

On January 20th, 24th and 25th church banns were read for Antonino to marry Luciana Morano. She was baptized in the Sciacca mother church parish as Caterina Luciana on December 13, 1580, the daughter of Gatueza Dayna and her husband Giovanni Morano. (Mouse over and click on her Latin baptism record image lower right to enlarge in a new window or tab.)  Twenty-four year-old Antonino and 12 year-old Luciana were married on February 1, 1593, at the mother church in Sciacca. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marriage record image left to enlarge in a new window or tab.) Just over seven months later, on September 12, 1593, Sciacca notary Vincenzo Gresta filed a marriage contract for them, which was probably a dowry restitution contract that was usually made at the birth of a first child. Their first child was probably ancestor Raphael, who was named after his paternal grandfather, but a baptism record could not be found for him.  

Only two mother church baptism records have been found for the children of Antonino and Luciana Luvaro as follows — Antonia Maria on February 26, 1595; and Giovanni, who was baptized as what looks like Jo: Gabrieli Joseph on March 23, 1596.

It is not known when Antonino and Luciana died, but he was deceased when their son ancestor Raphael was married on January 7, 1614. Unfortunately, at this time, nothing else is known about them.

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Giacomo Melfa’s ancestry is unknown. On January 26, 1576, at the mother church in Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, Jacupo Melfa married Gatulla Stilla. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marriage record image right to enlarge in a new window or tab.) She was probably born in Sciacca, the daughter of Laurea Liotta and her husband Sigismundo Stilla, but a baptism record can not be found for her.

Six mother church baptism records have been found for their children. On these baptism records, Gatulla is called Agati, Gati, Gate, Gauita, and Gatuza. Giacomo is called Jacobi, Jacomo, Giacobo, Jaco, and Giacomo. Their six children were baptized on the dates shown as follows — Stefano Vincenzo on December 26, 1577; Antonina as Antella Angelica on December 6, 1578; Giacomo as Jaco on July 27, 1580; Vita Catinella on March 3, 1583; Leonarda as Narda Francesca on November 12, 1587; and ancestor Francesca.

It is not known when Giacomo and Gatulla died, but he was alive on January 7, 1614, the date that their daughter ancestor Francesca was married. Unfortunately, at this time, nothing else is known about them.


Raffaele Luvaro and his wife Marchisa’s ancestries are unknown, but they lived in Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, and raised a family there. Her surname is unknown and her given name is uncertain, as on the written records, it is hard to read-the other spellings look like Marfisa or Marlisa. They were married sometime prior to 1557, which is before records are available for research. What is documented is that they had at least nine children baptized at the Sciacca mother church as follows — Pietro as Peto Vito on December 25, 1557; Vincenzo as Vincenzo Geronimo on August 26, 1559; daughter Geronima on March 31, 1562; Margarita Antonina on August 3, 1564; ancestor Antonino; Nardula on December 23, 1570; Cesaro Vito on August 22, 1572; Leonardo as Nardo Jacupo on December 10, 1574; and daughter Sebatiana as bastiana on December 10, 1575. These are the only children found for them.

There is a marriage for a Raffaele Luvaro to Caterinella Calandria on January 18, 1576, a month after Raffaele’s last child was born, which could be for this Raffaele. (Mouse over and click on Raffaele and Caterinella's Latin church marriage record image right to enlarge in a new window or tab.) Then, a few weeks later on February 5th of the same year, Sciacca notary Geronimo Agostino, filed a notarial marriage contract for them. It could be that Marchisa died leaving Raffaele with very small children, and he quickly married again. Raffaele and Caterinella had at least one child together, a daughter named Pitrula, who was baptized on November 24, 1577, at the mother church in Sciacca. It must be stressed that there’s no solid documentation that these two Raffaele’s are the same person. Sciacca death records are not available for research for this time period and the second marriage document is extremely brief, but it does seem likely that they are the same man. Unfortunately, at this time, this is all that is known about them.

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Giovanni Morano’s ancestry is unknown, but he lived in Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, and raised a family there. On October 22, 1570, Joannello Morano married, at the mother church in Sciacca, Gatueza Dayna, the daughter of the deceased bentto Ladaina, which seems to be Benidetto Dayna.  (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marriage record image right to enlarge in a new window or tab.)

Eight mother church baptism records have been found for their children, but their names are spelled differently on each one. He is called Joany, Jo:, Joani, Joanni, and Gioanne. She is called Gatuza, Gatula, Gati, Gatila and Agata. Their children are — Margaritella on March 18, 1572; Vincenzo as Vinzo batazzaro on June 25, 1574; Sebastiano as Bastiano on September 27, 1576, and was contracted to marry Mattuzia, the daughter of ancestors Angelo and Julia Castronovo on January 19, 1599; Giuseppe as Giuseppi Franco on February 4, 1579; ancestor Luciana; Caterina on February 27, 1584; Pietro as Petro on September 4, 1585; and Filippo Antonino on September 1, 1588.

Nothing is known about Gatueza’s father Benedetto, except that he was already deceased when she was married. It is also not known when Giovanni and Gatueza died, but it was after their daughter ancestor Luciana was married on February 1, 1593. Unfortunately, at this time, nothing else is known about them.


Sigismundo Stilla and his wife Laurea Liotta’s ancestries are unknown, but they lived in Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, and raised a family there. On May 1, 1551, Sciacca notary Ferd. Juffrida jr. filed a notarial marriage contract for them to marry. (Mouse over and click on their marriage contract entry right to enlarge it in a new window or tab.) The spelling of his name and the marriage contract is documented by Pellegrino Mortillaro, in his book, Andrea Randazzo un notaio storico Volume Primo. There are no church marriage records available for research for this year, but they probably were married at the Sciacca mother church as five baptism records have been found there for their children. It should be noted that these records are hard to read, and only the father’s name is listed, but it is spelled many different ways: Gesimundo Stella, Gisimundo Stilla, Sesimundo Stilla, Sisimundo d’tilla and Sesmundo Stilla. The five baptism records found are as follows — Leonadra on November 6, 1553; Giovanni Filippo as Joanis Plu on August 5, 1555; Francesco on October 4, 1556; Dianella Bettula on August 8, 1559; and Jan Matteu on May 8, 1561. A baptism record for ancestor Gatulla can not be found.

It is not known when Sigismundo and Laurea died, but he was deceased when their daughter ancestor Gatulla was married on January 26, 1576. Unfortunately, at this time, nothing else is known about them.

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