Maria Ippolito's Ancestors

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Translations provided by members of the GenAG - Genealogie Agrigentine and the Italian Genealogical Records Facebook groups.
Note that the Latin months September thru December are often written in numbers, 7ber, 8ber, 9ber and 10ber, respectively.


Paolo Ippolito was the son of Vita Rinaldo and her husband Calogero Ippolito. He was probably born in Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, about 1671. On October 28th, November 1st and 3rd of 1697, church banns were read for Paolo to marry Margarita Vassallo. She was born and baptized as Margarita Caterina Antonina on the evening of February 18, 1685, in the mother church parish of Sciacca, the daughter  of Vincenza Ursino and her husband Giuseppe Vassallo. (Mouse over and click on her Latin baptism record image upper right to enlarge in a new window or tab.) Being that Margherita was named after her paternal grandmother, she was probably the eldest daughter. Paolo, who was about 26 years old, and 12 year-old Margarita were married on November 10, 1697, at the mother church in Sciacca. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marriage record image upper left to enlarge in a new window or tab.)

Seven mother church baptism records have been found for the children of Magister Paulo and Margarita Ippolto, sometimes spelled Hippolito. Their children were — Calogero was born and baptized on January 16, 1701, as Calogero Joseph Antonius, after his two grandfathers, and died at 18 years old on June 11, 1719; Masi was born and baptized as Thomas Michael Joseph on May 8, 1702, and died 2 days later on May 10th; Vita Nunzia Augustina, named after her paternal grandmother, was born on March 8, 1704, and baptized the next day; Saverio was born and baptized as Francescus Saverinus Vincentius on August 17, 1707; Giuseppe was born on July 8, 1710, and baptized the next day as Joseph Joannius Vitus; Rosalia Augustina Maria was born and baptized on the morning of September 25, 1712, and died at 11 months old on August 29, 1713; ancestor Maria; another Calogero was born and baptized on June 8, 1719; and Ignazio, who was born and baptized on the evening of November 11, 1722, as Ignatius Joachim Martinus.

There is a 1714 Rivelo (tax record) for this family, who are living in the mother church parish of Sciacca, that is dated July 13, 1714. Paolo is listed as 43, which calculates his birth to about 1671. (Mouse over and click on her 1652 Rivelo image lower right to enlarge in a new window or tab.) His wife is listed simply as Margherita, without a surname or age. Then come their children — seven year-old Saverio; four year-old Giuseppe is listed next; daughter Vita; and finally, ancestor Maria, who was not even a month old at this time. This Rivelo is large, with paragraphs under both Gold (Oro) and Silver (Argento), so the family was apparently well off.

It is documented that Paolo and Margherita died, sometime after their daughter ancestor Maria’s marriage on June 20, 1735. A burial record for Paolo has been found in the mother church records. (Mouse over and click on his Latin church burial record image lower left to enlarge in a new window or tab.) It states Magister Pauley Ippolito about 85 years old died and was buried in the of St. Joseph church cemetery on January 3, 1747. A burial record for Margarita, has not yet been found. Unfortunately, nothing else is known about them.

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Calogero Ippolito was born about 1617, the son of Accursia Abruzzo and her husband Filippo Ippolito. He most likely was born in Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, but a baptism record has not yet been found for him. Being that he was named after his paternal grandfather, he probably was their eldest son. There is a May 9, 1652, Sciacca Rivelo (tax record) for him where he is listed as 35 years old, and unmarried. (Mouse over and click on her 1652 Rivelo image upper right to enlarge in a new window or tab.) Living with him is his mother and sister Vincenza. This Rivelo states he had a substantial amount of property and wealth, which he probably inherited from his father, who is listed as deceased on this document.

On January 25,1654, Calogero and Vita Rinaldo entered into a notarial marriage contract before Sciacca notary Onofrio Sole. Vita was baptized as Vita Antonina, as an infant, in the St Michele parish in Sciacca on June 15, 1619, the daughter of Nunzia Fallico and her husband Stefano Rinaldo. (Mouse over and click on her Latin baptism record image middle right to enlarge in a new window or tab.)A few days after the contract was filed, church marriage banns were read on February 1st, 2nd and 8th. The next day on February 9th Calogero, who was about 36 years old and 34 year-old Vita were married at the St. Vito church in Sciacca. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marriage record image upper left to enlarge in a new window or tab.)

Six mother church baptism records have been found for the children of Calogero and Vita di Ippolito, which is sometimes spelled as Hipolitto. Unfortunately baptism records for two of  their sons have not been found yet, but the others are as follows — Filippo, the eldest son was born on March 2, 1655, and baptized as Philip Nardo Vitus after his paternal grandfather; Anna was born on June 11, 1656, and baptized the next day as Anna Accursia Onuphria, after her paternal grandmother; Nunzia Antonina was born on the evening of June 12, 1658, and baptized the next day with the name of her maternal grandmother; Laurentia Nunzia Apollonia was born and baptized on August 9, 1659; Anna Maria Antonina was born on July 13, 1661, and baptized the next day; and Antonina Francesca, who was born on October 18, 1663, and baptized the next day. Baptism records for ancestor Paolo and his brother Onofrio have not been found. Onofrio married the widow Apollina Pristia, at the Sciacca mother church on April 29, 1699, so he too was probably born in the 1670’s. They both could have been baptized in one of the two other Sciacca churches, but these records are not available for research for this time.   

It is documented that Calogero was alive and Vita deceased when their son Onofrio was married in 1699 She died and was buried on the grounds of the Convent of St. Francisci outside the city on April 2, 1698.(Mouse over and click on her Latin church burial record image lower right to enlarge in a new window or tab.)  Her mother church burial record lists her as Vita wife of Calogero Hippolito alias La Fratello, about 70 years old. She was actually 78 years old when she died. Note that her husband, Calogero is listed as being alive on her death record, and still alive in April of 1699, when their son Onofrio was married, but deceased on their son Paolo’s July 13, 1714, Rivelo. This means Calogero died sometime between April of 1699 and July of 1714. There is a mother church burial record dated March 18, 1700, for an 84 year-old Calogero Hippolto that is probably for ancestor Calogero. (Mouse over and click on his Latin church burial record image lower right to enlarge in a new window or tab.) This puts his birth to about 1616, which is compatible with his age listed on his tax record. This burial record goes on to state that Calogero was buried on the grounds of the Convent of St. Francisci outside the city, the same cemetery his wife was buried in. Unfortunately, nothing else is known about Calogero and Vita.

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Giuseppe Vassallo was born about about 1646, one of three known children of Margarita (surname unknown) and her husband Pasquale Vassallo. His birth year was calculated from him being listed as six years old on his mother’s 1652 Rivelo (tax record). A Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, baptism record could not be found for him in the three churches whose records are available for research.

On November 5th, 12th and 19th church banns were read for Giuseppe, who was about 33 years old, to marry 12 ½ year-old Vincenza Ursino. She was born and baptized in the mother church parish of Sciacca on May 27, 1667, with the name Vincenza Angela Vita, the daughter of Sebastiano Ursino and his first wife Antonina Silvestro. (Mouse over and click on her Latin baptism record image upper right to enlarge in a new window or tab.) Vincenza’s mother died before she was 10 years old, so she probably was raised by her step-mother, who may have wanted her out of the house sooner than later! On November 28, 1679, at the mother church in Sciacca, Giuseppe married Vincenza. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marriage record image left to enlarge in a new window or tab.)

Giuseppe and Vincenza’s first child, ancestor Margarita, was born six years after they were married, probably due to her age. Their only other child was a daughter, Catharina Antonina, who was born and baptized in the mother church parish two years later on August 29, 1687.

Giuseppe died sometime prior to January 8, 1690, the date that church banns were first read for Vincenza to marry again. A burial record for Giuseppe could not be found because they are missing after 1674 to September of 1690. The widowed Vincenza, who was now 22 years old with two young children, married at the mother church in Sciacca, 39 year-old Leonardo Bivona, who was also widowed with two children. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marriage record image lower right to enlarge in a new window or tab.) He was the son of ancestors Silvestro Bivona and Giovanna Tigano and the brother to ancestors Anna and Antonio.

Vincenza and Leonardo had at least eight more children together. Six were baptized in the mother church parish, but their 2nd and 5th children were baptized in the St. Vito parish as follows —Caterina Sebastiana Calogera was born and baptized on the evening of December 16, 1690; Sebastiana Crispina was born and baptized on the evening of October 24, 1693; Calogero Accursio Tommaso, was born on February 7, 1696, was baptized the next day, and in 1729 married Eumilia Ignazia Noto; Arcangela Dorothea was born and baptized on November 3, 1698; Tommaso Ignazio was born on December 11, 1699, was baptized the next day, but died at 9 years old in 1709; Paolo was born and baptized as Paulius Salvator Carolius on October 16, 1703, and died 9 days later on October 25th; Angela was born and baptized as Angela Dorothea Joanna on February 6, 1705; and Anna Maria Vita, who was born on the evening of August 24, 1706, and baptized the next day.

Vincenza’s second husband died on August 16, 1720, but it is not known when Vincenza died. It is documented that she was alive when her son Tommaso was buried on August 10, 1709, but deceased on January 9, 1729, the day that son Calogero Bivona was married. Being that a Sciacca burial record could not be found for her with the surnames of Bivona, Vassallo or Ursino, she may have married again. At this time, nothing else is known about them.

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Filippo Ippolito was the son of Bartola Marsala and her husband Calogero Ippolito. He was probably born in Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, where he married and raised a family. A Sciacca baptism record has not been found for him yet.

On September 21st, 25th and 29th church banns were read for Filippo to marry Accursia Abruzzo. She was the daughter of Bartola, whose surname is unknown, and Geironimo Abruzzo. Filippo and Accursia were married on October 3, 1611, at St. Michele’s Church in Sciacca. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marriage record image left to enlarge in a new window or tab.) Accursia and Filippo had at least one other child beside ancestor Calogero, a daughter named Vincenza, who is listed on her brother’s 1652 Sciacca Rivelo (tax record).

It is not known when Accursia and Filippo died, but he was deceased prior to May 9, 1652, the date of their son ancestor Calogero’s 1652 Sciacca Rivelo. Accusia and her daughter Vincenza were living with her son, ancestor Calogero on that Rivelo. Accusia died sometime within the two years before her son, ancestor Calogero’s marriage on February 9, 1654. For now this is all that is known about Accursia and Filippo.


Stefano Rinaldo was born about 1585, the son of Filippo Rinaldo and his unnamed wife. It is not known where he was born, but he married and raised a large family in Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy. A Sciacca baptism record for Stefano has not been found yet.

On April 10th, 25th and May 1st of 1610, church banns were read for Stefano to marry Nunzia Fazio. She was baptized in the St. Michele church parish of Sciacca on September 12, 1592, the daughter of Salvatore Fazio and his wife Angela Scoma. (Mouse over and click on her Latin baptism record image upper right to enlarge in a new window or tab.) Twenty-nine days after the last banns was read, Stefano, who was about 25 years old and 17 year-old Nunzia were married on May 30, 1610, at the St. Michele church in Sciacca. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marriage record image left to enlarge in a new window or tab.)

Twelve Sciacca baptism records have been found for the children of Stefano and Nunzia Rinaldo. The first seven were baptized in the St. Michele parish and the last five in the St. Vito parish of Sciacca. Their children were — Calogero was baptized as an infant on June 9, 1611; Filippo Accursio, named after his paternal grandfather, on December 9, 1612, died at 3 months old on March 27, 1613; Filippo Carlo was baptized on March 6, 1614, who also probably died as an infant; another Filippo Carlo was baptized on March 15, 1615; Giuseppe was baptized as Joseppi Antonino on March 11, 1618; ancestor Vita; Antonino was born and baptized on December 11, 1621; Accursio Francesco, was born and baptized on December 8, 1623, the first in the St. Vito’s parish; another Giuseppe was born on July 20, 1626, and baptized as Joseph Sebastiaus the next day; Caterina Maria was born on the morning of December 17, 1628, and baptized the next day; Antonino was born and baptized as Antoninus Joseph on the morning of July 27, 1631; and Angela Dominica, who was born and baptized on the morning of February 17, 1633.

In both volumes of  Pellegrino Mortillaro’s book, Andrea Randazzo un notaio storico, the name Stefano Rinaldo is mentioned several times. Three of these entries are dated from 1631 to 1633, and they don’t make much sense when translated because of all the abbreviations, but they seem to have something to do with selling property. Another is a 1639-40 statement of him giving a Testamento to a notary, which is getting his will notarized. Lastly there is an entry for an inventory of his property taken on March 5th and 6th, 1640, which means he died shortly before this. If any of these are for ancestor Stefano, is uncertain, but a Sciacca burial record has been found for his name. It is documented that Stefano was deceased and Nunzia was alive when their daughter ancestor Vita was married on February 9, 1654, so this burial record is probably for him. This St. Vito burial record is dated February 15, 1640, and states Stefano Rinaldo about 55 . . . was buried in the St Maria de Itriae cemetery. (Mouse over and click on his Latin church burial record image lower right to enlarge in a new window or tab.) A burial record for Nunzia has not yet been found. . Unfortunately, nothing else is known about Stefano and Nunzi.

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Margarita and Pasquale Vassallo’s ancestries are unknown, including Margarita’s surname. It is assumed that the whole family did live in Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, at some point, but it is not certain. A church marriage record or a Sciacca marriage contract entry could not be found for them. What is known about them comes from a May 9, 1652, Sciacca Rivelo (tax record) where she is listed as Margarita Vassallo, the widow of Pasquale Vassallo. (Mouse over and click on her 1652 Rivelo image right to enlarge in a new window or tab.) Riveli usually list widows with their husbands surname. This Rivelo states they had at least three children — ancestor Giuseppe, age 6 and his two sisters, Fillippa and Antonina. Female ages were never given on these documents, but the children are usually listed in age order. Sciacca baptism records for these children could not be found, so it may be they were born and baptized somewhere else. It is even possibly that they lived in another town and after her husband died Margarita moved the children to Sciacca. There is no property listed for her in this document, so they weren’t well off. Because she had such young children, it is possible that Margherita remarried sometime after this Rivelo was written.

It is not known exactly when Pasquale and Margherita died, but he was deceased prior to the May 9, 1652 Rivelo, and she was alive over 40 years later when their son Giuseppe was married on November 28, 1679. Unfortunately, most of this is speculation because nothing more is known about them.


Sebastiano Ursino was born and baptized in the mother church parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy on August 19, 1626, the son of Angela Carlotta and her husband Salvatore Ursino. (Mouse over and click on his Latin baptism record image upper right to enlarge in a new window or tab.)

Sometime before or in early 1650, Sebastiano married Antonina Silvestro. A Sciacca church marriage record or marriage contract have not been found for them. Antonina was born and baptized as Antonina Vincenza on the morning of  November 4, 1628, also in the mother church parish of Sciacca, the daughter of Calogero Silvestro and his wife Laura Sala. (Mouse over and click on her Latin baptism record image middle right to enlarge in a new window or tab.)

There is a May 9, 1652 Sciacca Rivelo (tax record) for Sebastiano Ursino which names his deceased father and mother. (Mouse over and click on their 1652 Rivelo image upper left to enlarge in a new window or tab.) He is listed as 26 years old with his wife Antonina’s given name only, but no children are listed. So this may have been recorded shortly after they married. There are two entries in the tax and property section of this document, so they owned something, but it is too difficult to translate.

Ten baptism records have been founds for the children of Sebastiano and Antonina Ursino, two, the first and seventh in St Vitos’s and the rest eight in mother church records as follows — Salvatore was born and baptized as Salvatore Calogerus after both of his grandfathers, on December 15, 1650, but died at 10 months old on October 23, 1651; Calogero, named after his maternal grandfather, was born on December 21, 1652, and baptized the next day as Calogerus Thomas Joseph, but was called Tommaso on his October 14, 1675, marriage record to Dorothea Toto; another Calogero was born on the evening of July 20, 1655, and baptized the next day as Calogerus Jacobus; Caterina was born and baptized as Catherina Laurea Vincenzia on January 4, 1657, but died and was buried 8 days later; Accursio was born and baptized as Ambrosius Accursius Calogius on December 7, 1657, and married Margarita Termine in 1682; Gaspare was born on September 12, 1660, and baptized as Gaspar Salvator the next day; Filippo was born on July 17, 1663, and baptized at St. Vito’s the next day as Philippus; Onofrio was born and baptized as Honofrio Paulo on September 18, 1665; ancestor Vincenza; and Angela Calogera Laurea, named after her paternal grandmother, was born and baptized on October 11, 1670, and married Gaspare Vento on September 21, 1682.

Sebastiano’s wife Antonina died sometime before October 25, 1677, the day he entered into a marriage contract with his second wife, Caterina diMino, the widow of Dominico Giunta. A Sciacca burial record for Antonina has not been found, but burials records aren’t available for research between 1674 to 1691. Sebastiano and Caterina were married on November 2, 1677, at the St. Vito Church in Sciacca. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marriage record image lower left to enlarge in a new window or tab.) It is not known if they had any children, or if she brought any children into the marriage, but she did have at least two children with her first husband.

It is documented that Sebastiano was alive and Antonina was deceased when their son Accursio was married on October 11, 1682. A burial record for him has been found in the mother church records. It states Sebastiano Ursino, alias Castioso, age about 63, died suddenly in San Bartolomeo, Sciacca, and was buried in the St. Dominico convent cemetery. (Mouse over and click on his Latin church burial record image lower right to enlarge in a new window or tab.) His second wife, Caterina, lived another four years and died as the wife of the deceased Sebastiani Ursino on July 12, 1694, and was also buried in the St. Dominico convent cemetery. Unfortunately this is all that is known about Sebastiano and Antonina.

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Calogero Ippolito’s ancestry is unknown. On September 3, 1576, at the mother church in Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, he married Bartola Marsala. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marriage record image left to enlarge in a new window or tab.) She was baptized on March 19, 1552, in the mother church parish of Sciacca, the daughter of Antonino Marsala and his unnamed wife, who may be Angela Catalano. (Mouse over and click on her Latin baptism record image right to enlarge in a new window or tab.) Calogero’s parents are not listed on his marriage record and his surname is listed as di Polto, which is just one of the many spellings of Ippolito. Their Latin marriage record is just a brief statement that is hard to read and does not translate well.

Only two mother church baptism records have been found for the children of Calogero and Bartola Hippolito as follows — Vincenza Antonina was baptized on January 17, 1581; and Vito Antonino on August 3, 1583. A baptism record for ancestor Filippo has not been found yet.

It is not known when Calogero and Bartola died, but it is documented that they were both deceased by October 3, 1611, the date of their son, ancestor Filippo’s marriage. Unfortunately, nothing else is known about them.


Geronimo Abruzzo and his wife Bartola’s ancestries are unknown. It is not known where or when they were born, but they lived and raised a family in Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy. Sciacca baptism or marriage records for them have not been found, but six mother church baptism records were found for their children. On some he is listed as Girolamo, and she is sometimes listed as Bartolella. The baptism records found are as follows —Isabella was baptized as Bella on February 9, 1572, and grew up to marry Vincenzo Armenia, who may be an ancestor; Vito Paolo on January 25, 1575, who may have died young; Vito Leonardo on December 12, 1576; Leonardo, was baptized as Nardo on November 13, 1579, and married Giuseppa Daina on the same day that his sister, ancestor Accursia married Filippo; Calogera was baptized on January 29, 1583; and Giuseppe, who was baptized as Giuseppi Birnardino on March 17, 1584. A baptism record for ancestor Accrusia could not be found.

It is not known when Bartola and Geronimo died, but it is documented that he was deceased on December 10, 1601, the day his daughter Isabella was married. It is unclear if Bartola was also deceased at this time or on October 3, 1611, the day ancestor Accursia was married. Unfortunately, nothing else is known about them.

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Filippo Rinaldo’s ancestry is unknown. It is not known where or when he was born, but he lived for a time in Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy. He was the father of ancestor Stefano but no baptism records could be found for his children. It could be that he wasn’t Christian or he lived and raised a family in another town. What ever the situation, it is documented that he spent the later part of his life in the St. Michele parish of Sciacca.

Filippo’s name is mentioned in both volumes of Pellegrino Mortillaro’s books Andrea Randazzo un notaio storico. In volume 2 there is an entry for August 8, 1621, when Filippo filed his will with Sciacca notary Vincenzo Gallo. (Mouse over and click on the notary will entry image left to enlarge in a new window or tab.) Volume 1 states that 20 days later on August 28th, an inventory of his property was taken and registered by that same notary. Filippo died and was buried in the St. Maria del Itriae cemetery in Sciacca on August 18, 1621. (Mouse over and click on his Latin church burial record image right to enlarge in a new window or tab.) This is the same cemetery that his son ancestor Stefano was buried in. Filippo’s St. Michele burial record lists him as Philippus di Rinaldo, age 50. This puts his birth to about 1571, but a Sciacca baptism record has not been found for him around this time. It is most likely that all these records are for ancestor Filippo, but there is nothing documented that states these are all for Stefano’s father.


Salvatore Fazio was baptized on October 11, 1556, in the mother church parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, the son of Vito Fazio and his unnamed wife. (Mouse over and click on his Latin baptism record image upper right to enlarge in a new window or tab.)

On September 5, 1584, Sciacca notary Giovanni Valleggio filed a notarial marriage contract between Salvatore and Angela Scoma. She was baptized as Angila Calogera on January 30, 1569, also in the Sciacca mother church parish, the daughter of Pietro Scoma and his first wife Caterina Benunte. (Mouse over and click on her Latin baptism record image lower right to enlarge in a new window or tab.) Almost a month after the contract was filed, on October 1, 1584, 15 year-old Angela married the almost 28 year-old Salvatore at the Sciacca mother church. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marriage record image upper left to enlarge in a new window or tab.)

Eight St. Michele baptism records have been found for the children of Salvatori and Angela di Fazio, which is sometimes spelled Fazzio as follows — Angela was baptized as Angilella, on July 28, 1587, three years after her parents married; daughter Sebastiana was baptized as Sebastiana Grazilla on October 15, 1589; ancestor Nunzia; Caterina, who is also an ancestor, was baptized on June 4, 1595, named after her maternal grandmother, and married ancestor Paolo Vito Ognibene; Antonina was baptized as Antonella Geronima on May 27, 1603; Gaspare was baptized with the middle name Vito after his paternal grandfather on February 12, 1605; Filippa Brigita on January 22, 1607; and daughter Geronima was baptized on February 6, 1609.

It is documented that Salvatore was alive when his daughter ancestor Caterina was married on June 4, 1595. There is a Sciacca St. Michele burial record that is probably for him, but the surname could be something else. (Mouse over and click on his Latin church burial record image lower left to enlarge in a new window or tab.) It is dated November 7, 1622, and seems to read Salvator di Fazio in his seventies was buried in St Michael’s cemetery. If this is him, he was only 66 when he died. Unfortunately, it is not known when Angela died, so for now, nothing else is known about them.

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Salvatore Ursino was baptized as Salvatori Joseppi on August 6, 1582, in the mother church parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, the son of Matteo Ursino and his wife Lorenza, whose surname is unknown. (Mouse over and click on his Latin baptism record image upper right to enlarge in a new window or tab.)

On March 15, 1620, Salvatore entered into a notarial marriage contract to marry Angela Carlotta. (Mouse over and click on their marriage contract image left to enlarge in a new window or tab.) She was the daughter of Giacomo Carlotta and his unnamed wife, who was probably Antonina Buscarnera. Over a month later on April 20th, 21st and 26th, church marriage banns were read for Salvatore and Angela. They married at the St. Michele church in Sciacca the next day, April 27, 1620. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marriage record image lower right to enlarge in a new window or tab.)

Only three Sciacca baptism records have been found for the children of Salvatore and Angela Ursino as follows — Francesca was baptized as Francesca Laurezia in the St. Michele parish on March 25, 1621; Epifania was born and baptized on January 6, 1624, in the mother church parish; and ancestor Sebastiano.

It is not known when Salvatore and Angela died, but on their son Sebastiano’s 1652 Sciacca Rivelo (tax record), dated May 9, 1652, they are listed as deceased. Unfortunately, nothing else is known about them.


Calogero Silvestro was baptized on February 15, 1611, in the mother church parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, the son of Pietro Silvestro and his wife Antonina, whose surname is unknown. (Mouse over and click on his Latin baptism record image upper right to enlarge in a new window or tab.) In 1627, church banns were read on September 19th, 21st and 26th forCalogero to marry Lauria Sala. She was baptized on July 8, 1606, also in the mother church parish of Sciacca, the daughter of Jacobo and Maria La Sala. (Mouse over and click on her Latin baptism record image middle right to enlarge in a new window or tab.)  The La in their name is not a part of the surname, and is just an article that means the. Sixteen year-old Calogero and 21 year-old Lauria were married on September 29, 1627, in the Sciacca mother church. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marriage record image upper left to enlarge in a new window or tab.)

Nine mother church baptism records have been found for the children of Calogero and Lauria Silvestro as follows — ancestor Antonia, named after her paternal grandmother; Giuseppe was born and baptized as Joseppi on March 22, 1631; Angela Maria was born and baptized on September 11, 1633; Gaspare was born and baptized as Gaspar Petrus on the evening of January 14, 1636; Pietro Domenico was born and baptized on April 29, 1639, and married Antonia Candila in 1660; Giacoma was born on July 11, 1642, and baptized the next day as Jacoba Chaterina, the female version of her maternal grandfather’s name; Antonino was born and baptized as Antoninus Dominicus on August 29, 1644; Simon was born on October 28, 1646, was baptized the next day as Simon Accursius, and married Dominica Amato in 1667; and a daughter who was born and baptized on September 10, 1649, but whose name is hard to read, but seems to be Eufemia Anna, a Greek female given name, meaning well-spoken. It should denoted that on Pietro Domenico’s baptism record, his mother is listed as Caterina, but on his marriage record, she is listed correctly as Lauria.

It is documented that Calogero was deceased and Lauria was alive on January 13, 1660, when their son Pietro was married. In the second volume of Pellegrino Mortillaro’s transcriptions of Sciacca notary records, Andrea Randazzo un notaio storico, there is an entry for a Testamento, a will, being filed for Calogero Silvestro on July 17, 1656. (Mouse over and click on his will entry image middle left to enlarge in a new window or tab.) Three days later a mother church burial record dated July 20, 1656, has been found for him. (Mouse over and click on his Latin church burial record image lower right to enlarge in a new window or tab.) It reads, Calogerus Silvestro alias Caciocio 50 years old. These records are most likely for ancestor Calogero, even though he was only 45 years old at this time. The burial record goes to say he was buried in the church of St. Francisco outside the city. Over 10 years later, it is documented that Lauria was alive on February 13, 1667, when her son Simon was married. Lauria died 7 months later and was buried in the St. Vito cemetery on September 25, 1667. (Mouse over and click on her Latin church burial record image lower left to enlarge in a new window or tab.) Her St. Vito burial record lists her as Lauria wife of deceased Calogeri Silvestro alias Casciocio about 65 years old, but she was only 61 when she died. For now, nothing else is known about them.

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Antonino Marsala was probably the son of Marco Marsala, and lived and raised a family in Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy. His father’s name is uncertain because only one of the five mother church baptism records found for his children lists him as Antonello di Marco Masala. The others simply list him as Antonello. None of these records list a mother’s name, but there are two notarial marriage contracts for Antonino Marsala in Pellegrino Mortillaro’s book, Andrea Randazzo un notaio storico Volume Primo. The first is dated July 15, 1544, with Angela Catalano, who may be ancestor Bartolo’s mother. She could have died, but burial records are not available for research this early. The second entry is a December 15, 1553, contract with Joannella Terranova, who may be a second wife. Because Sciacca church marriage records do not begin until 1568, these marriage contracts can not be confirmed as being for ancestor Antonino.

The five mother church baptism records found for the children of Antonello Masala are as follows — Joanella Giulia was baptized in May of 1546, but her register record is difficult to read, so a day cannot be certain; ancestor Bartola; son Bartolo on September 14, 1554, is probably the first born to Antonino’s second wife; Caterina Jacopa on January 15, 1559; and another Joanella on October 24, 1564. If these children are all for ancestor Antonino is not certain.

In volume two of Pellegrino Mortillaro’s book there is an entry for a Testamento, a will written by Antonino Marsala and presented to a notary on July 29, 1571. Because burial records are not available for research for this date, there is no confirmation that this is ancestor Antonino, but it could be as the date fits with his family. Unfortunately, nothing else is known about them.


Vito Fazio’s ancestry is unknown, but he lived and raised a family in the mother church parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy. A Sciacca baptism record for his name has not been found. It is not known who Vito’s wife was, as Sciacca marriage records for the time he was married are not available for research. The only Sciacca church records found for his name are five mother church baptism records as follows — ancestor Salvatore; Antonino Filippo was baptized as Antonino Phu on March 10, 1560; Geronima was baptized as Jeronima on March 3, 1563; Marco was baptized as Marco Cataldo on April 21, 1566; and Antonella, who was baptized on October 15, 1570. On all of these records, only a father’s name, Vito, is given, but his surname is listed several ways — di Fazio, Facio, di Facio, di Faczio, as well as just Fazio.

It is not known when Vito died, but in both volumes of Pellegrino Mortillaro’s book, Andrea Randazzo un notaio storico, references are made to his death. The first is in volume 2 where his will or Testamento is given to a Sciacca notary on September 17, 1575. The second reference is dated August 25, 1584, which is listed as a Division of the Inheritance of Vito Fazio by Sciacca notary Geronimo Agostino. (Mouse over and click on the estate division entry image right to enlarge in a new window or tab.) As in all probate issues, it could take years to settle the division of an estate, so Vito probably died closer to the will date. Unfortunately, Sciacca burial records do not go back this far, so for now nothing else is known about him.

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Pietro Scoma and his wife Caterina Benunte’s ancestries are unknown, but they married and raised a family in the mother church parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy. Sciacca baptism records and a church marriage record for them can not be found. What has been found is a May 12, 1565, notarial marriage contract for them in Pellegrino Mortillaro’s book, Andrea Randazzo un notaio storico Volume Primo. (Mouse over and click on their marriage contract image right to enlarge in a new window or tab.) They probably married soon after this contract date, but Sciacca church marriage records do not go back this far.

Only three mother church baptism records have been found for the children of Pietro Scoma that could also be Caterina’s children, as follows — Giovanna was baptized as Joanna Leonarda on October 28, 1567; ancestor Angela; and son Marco, who was baptized as Marco Nardo on April 20, 1571. It should be noted that their is no mother’s name on these records.

Caterina must have died a few years after her last child was born, as there is another notarial marriage contract for Pietro Scoma and Rosella Maglienti dated December 25, 1575. There is no documentation that this is the same Pietro Scoma because Sciacca death records do not go back this far and the later part of 1575 marriage records are missing from both the index and the register. Pietro and Rosella only had one child, Lauria baptized at the mother church on January 14, 1577. Because they only had one child, there is a good possibility this is the same Pietro who married Caterina.

In volume two of Mortillaro’s book, there is an entry dated April 4, 1587, stating that Pietro Scoma filed his will with Sciacca notary Sigismondo Piramo. In volume one of the same book, there is an entry for the Inventory of Pietro Scoma, on October 12, 1613, filed by Sciacca notary Antonino Buscemi. Inventories are usually done within days of a person’s death.  There is an extremely brief St. Michel burial record for Po Scoma, who died and was buried on October 3, 1613. (Mouse over and click on his Latin church burial record image lower right to enlarge in a new window or tab.) It seems to say he was 70 years old (Septo) and buried in the mother church cemetery, but it is all abbreviated, so it is hard to tell. It is not certain that all of these are for ancestor Pietro, but the dates seem to indicate they are for the same person, and it is him. For now nothing else is known about them.


Matteo Ursino and his wife Lorenza’s ancestries are unknown, but they lived and raised a family in the mother church parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy.

Lorenza married first Antonino Lauro sometime in early or prior to 1571. A Sciacca marriage record or contract for them has not been found in the available records. They had at least three children together all baptized in the Sciacca mother church parish as follows — Giovanni Vincenzo was baptized on December 16, 1571; Paolo Giacomo on June 8, 1573; and Antonina on July 12, 1576. Antonino must have died within a year and a half after their last child was born, as Lorenza, being left with young children, remarried.

Matteo and Lorenza married in the Sciacca mother church on October 28, 1577. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marriage record image right to enlarge in a new window or tab.) Their brief marriage record lists them as Matteo Cursino with Laurenezsa wife of the deceased Antonino Lauro. The surname Cursino, does not become Ursino until ancestor Salvatore’s marriage record.

Only four Sciacca mother church baptism records have been found for the children of Matteo and Lorenza di Cursino, also listed as Cassino and Corsini as follows — Lixandra Cursino was baptized on July 23, 1579; ancestor Salvatore as Cursino; Francesco Giuseppe Cassino on October 8, 1586; and Sicilia Nuncia Corsini on March 24, 1589. No records for their children have been found under the name Ursino.

It is not known when Matteo and Lorenza died, but it is documented that he was deceased when his son Salvatore was married on April 27, 1621. At this time, this is all that is known about them.


Giacomo Carlotta and his wife Antonina Buscarnera’s ancestries are unknown, but they lived and raised a family in Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy. It should be noted that Jacobo is the Latin name for the Italian name Giacomo. On September 29th, 30th and October 7th of 1593, church marriage banns were read for them. Ten days later, they were married at the Sciacca mother church on October 17, 1593.

It is not documented that Antonina was the mother of ancestor Angela, as a baptism record for her hasn’t been found yet. Antonina’s name comes from a St. Michele baptism record for a daughter born to Jacobo and Antonina CarlottaDominca Nunzia was baptized on May 18, 1594. No other baptism records can be found for children of Jacobo Carlotta.

It is not known when Giacomo and Antonina died, but it is documented that he was deceased when his daughter ancestor Angela was married on April 27, 1620. A Sciacca burial record could not be found for either of them. Unfortunately, nothing else is known about them.

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Pietro Silvestro and his wife Antonina’s ancestries are unknown, but they lived and raised a family in the mother church parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy. A Sciacca church marriage record or a marriage contract record could not be found for them, but they married sometime before 1609. It should be noted that the di in his surname on the records is just an article meaning of or from. This seems to mean that somewhere back in time, before surnames were used, there was an ancestor with the given name of Silvestro. On some records, Pietro’s surname is listed with an alias of Caciocio.

Ten Sciacca mother church baptism record have been found for the children of Petro and Antonina di Silvestro as follows — ancestor Calogero; Maria who was baptized on January 22, 1613, but died at 4 months old on June 1, 1613; another Maria was baptized on July 16, 1614, but she also died at 4 months old on December 6, 1614; Giuseppe was baptized as Joseph Carolus on September 5, 1615, and married Antonina Chiazza in 1634; Giovanni Giuseppe was baptized on January 6, 1618, and married in 1643 Anna Magro and then Giovanna Vento in 1657; Catharina was born and baptized on October 14, 1626; Antonino Vincenzo was born and baptized on February 12, 1623; twin Rosalia Margarita was prematurely born and baptized on the evening of May 29, 1626, but she passed through the night; the other twin, Catharina was born and baptized 5 months later on October 14, 1626; Francesco was born and baptized on the morning of February 22, 1628; and Lorenzo, who was born and baptized as Laurzo Calogerus on October 17, 1629. There is a September 29, 1625, marriage record for a Leonarda daughter of Petri de Silvestro, who is probably Pietro and Antonia’s daughter. This marriage date puts her birth to about 1609.

It is documented that Pietro was alive on February 5, 1634, when his son Giuseppe was married, but deceased by the time his son Lorenza was married on February 5, 1651. A Sciacca burial record for him has not yet been found. Antonina died in her home and was buried in the mother church cemetery on February 7, 1661. (Mouse over and click on his Latin church burial record image right to enlarge in a new window or tab.) Her mother church burial record lists her as Ant’na Silvestro alias Caciocio about 80 years old. This puts her birth to about 1581, but burial record ages are usually just an estimate. Unfortunately, at this time, nothing else is known about them.


Giacomo Sala and his wife Maria Scaduto’s ancestries are unknown, but they lived and raised a family in the mother church parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy. Giacomo is called by his Latin given name Jacobo, and his surname has been listed as La Sala, Sala or Sali, in the records found for him. It should be noted that the La is not part of his surname. It’s simply an article meaning the. A Sciacca church marriage record has not been found for them, but there is an entry in Pellegrino Mortillaro’s 2017 Sciacca notary transcription book titled Andrea Randazzo un notaio storico Volume Primo. It states that on September 17, 1590, Giacomo and Maria entered into a notarial marriage contract filed by Sciacca notary Sigismondo Mandracchia. (Mouse over and click on their marriage contract image right to enlarge in a new window or tab.) They probably married soon after that.

Six mother church baptism records have been found for the children of Jacobo and Maria La Sala as follows — Bernardo Accursio was baptized on December 16, 1593; Giovanni was baptized as Joanni Batra on October 10, 1596; ancestor Lauria; Antonina Maria on February 1, 1610; Antonino on June 13, 1612; and Petra Margarita on February 26, 1615. None of these records give a birth date, but some say the child was an infant. Being that their first born son was named Bernardo, That may be the same of Giacomo’s father. Their was a Bernardo Sala who, with his unnamed wife, fathered twins daughters, Margarita and Rosa on May 29, 1557.

It is not known when Giacomo and Maria died, but it is documented that he was deceased on September 29, 1627, when his daughter ancestor Lauria was married. Unfortunately, at this time, nothing else is known about them.

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