Vito Rizzuto's Ancestors

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Translations provided by members of the GenAG - Genealogie Agrigentine and the Italian Genealogical Records Facebook groups.
Note that the Latin months September thru December are often written in numbers, 7ber, 8ber, 9ber and 10ber, respectively.


Mario Rizzuto was born and baptized as Mario Calogero on September 8, 1627, in the St. Michele parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, the son of Leonarda Tomao and her husband Leonardo Rizzuto. (Mouse over and click on his Latin baptism record image upper right to enlarge it in a new window or tab.)

On April 10th of 1650, Sciacca notary Onofrio Sole, filed a notarial marriage contract for Mario and Margarita Falco. (Mouse over and click on their marriage contract entry upper left to enlarge it in a new window or tab.) She was baptized as Margarita Vincenza on August 10, 1632, in Caltabellotta, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, the daughter of Pietro Falco and his wife Caterina, whose surname is unknown. (Mouse over and click on her Latin baptism record image upper right to enlarge it in a new window or tab.) Caltabellotta is about 12 miles north east of Sciacca. A week later on April 17th, 18th and 19th church banns were read for them to marry. Twenty-two year-old Mario and 17 year-old Margarita were married at the Sciacca mother church, a week and a half after the last banns were read on April 30, 1650. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marrage image middle left to enlarge it in a new window/tab.)

Eight Sciacca baptism records have been found for the children of Mario and Margarita Rizzuto, whose surname was spelt Rizuto on some records. Their first three children were baptized in the St. Michele parish of Sciacca and the last three in the St. Vito parish. The eight baptism records are as follows — Caterina Leonarda, named after both of her grandmothers, was born and baptized on August 28, 1651; Sebastiano Leonardo Antonino was born on December 2, 1654, and baptized the next day; Rosalia Maria was born on January 9, 1657, and baptized the next day; Pietro Francesco was born and baptized on the evening of October 4, 1661, the first in the St. Vito parish; ancestor Vito; Leonardo Paolo, named after his paternal grandfather, was born on January 27, 1668, and baptized the next day; Giuseppe was born and baptized as Joseph Petrus, on the evening of March 16, 1672, but may have died young; and another Giuseppe who was born and baptized as Joseph Ignazius, on the evening of March 19, 1677.

It is documented that Mario and Margarita were alive when their son ancestor Vito was married on January 11, 1688. It is also documented that Mario was deceased and Margarita was still alive on April 26, 1695, when their son Pietro was married. Mario died and was buried in the St. Marie de Monte Carmelo Convent cemetery on June 2, 1694. (Mouse over and click on his Latin burial church record image lower left to enlarge it in a new window or tab.) His mother church burial record lists him as being about 70 years old, but he was only 66 years old. Margarita lived another nine years and did not remarry. She died and was buried in the same cemetery as her husband on December 6, 1703. (Mouse over and click on her Latin church burial record image lower right to enlarge it in a new window or tab.) Her mother church burial record lists her as being 73 years old, which would bring her birth to about 1630. For now this is all that is known about them.

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Leonardo Rizzuto was baptized as Nardo on October 14, 1580, in the mother church parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, the son of Vincenzo Rizzuto and his wife Caterina Genoisi. (Mouse over and click on his Latin baptism record image upper right to enlarge it in a new window or tab.) Leonardo is also the older brother to ancestor Margarita who married Vito Vento.

In June of 1625, church banns were read on the 1st, 8th and 15th for Leonardo to marry Leonarda Tomao. She was baptized on February 22, 1607, in the St. Michele parish of Sciacca, the daughter of Angelica Bellanti and her husband Nicolò Tomao. (Mouse over and click on her Latin baptism record image middle right to enlarge it in a new window or tab.) Forty-four year-old Leonardo and 18 year-old Leonarda were married at the St. Michele church in Sciacca on July 6, 1625. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marriage record image upper left to enlarge it in a new window or tab.)

Seven St. Michele baptism records have been found for the children of Leonardo and Leonarda Rizzuto as follows — Calogero was born on the evening of May 5, 1626, and baptized as Calogerus Vitus the next day; ancestor Mario; Michele was born on the evening of November 7, 1630, and baptized as Michael Antonus Vitus the next day; Angela Lauria, named after her maternal grandmother, was born on the evening of February 15, 1638, and baptized the next day; Matteo was born and baptized as Matheus Calogerius Dominicus on February 24, 1641; Francesca Maria was born on May 26, 1644, and baptized the next day; and Cosimo, who was born and baptized as Cosimo Damianus Antoninus on the morning of December 10, 1646.

It is documented that both Leonardo and Leonarda were alive when their son ancestor Mario was married on April 30, 1650. Leonardo died and was buried in the St. Margarita church cemetery on November 29, 1651. (Mouse over and click on his Latin church burial record image lower left to enlarge it in a new window or tab.) His St. Michele burial record lists him as being about 60 years old, but he was actually only 71 years old when he died. Leonarda lived almost 17 years to the day after her husband died and didn’t remarry. She died and was buried in the St. Margarita church cemetery on November 12, 1668. (Mouse over and click on her Latin burial church record image lower right to enlarge it in a new window or tab.) Her St. Vito burial record lists her as Leonarda wife of the deceased Leonardi Rizzuto about 70, but she was only 61 years old when she died. For now, this is all that is known about them.


Pietro Falco and his wife Caterina’s ancestries are unknown, but they lived in Caltabellotta, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy. Their only documented child is ancestor Margarita. No other baptism records for their children have been found, but Calabellotta’s records have several years missing and some of those that are available are damaged.

What is documented is that Pietro and Caterina were both deceased when their daughter ancestor Margarita married on April 10, 1650. Caterina died and was buried on November 17, 1642, when ancestor Margarita was only 10 years old. Caterina’s Caltabellotta church burial record lists her as Caterina wife of Petro di Falco, age 44. (Mouse over and click on her Latin burial church record image lower right to enlarge it in a new window or tab.) This puts her birth to about 1598. Listing her as “wife of” and not “widow of” seems to indicate that Pietro was still alive when his wife died. A Caltabellotta burial record for him has not been found.

Pietro, with his 10 year-old daughter moved to Sciacca, also in the province of Agrigento. There he married Maria, the widow of Joseph Pojo, at the St. Vito church on April 25, 1643. It was a short marriage, as just over 5 years later Maria died and was buried in the St. Dominico cemetery on May 20, 1648, as the 45 year-old wife of Petro de Falco. Because she is not listed as the “widow of the deceased Pietro,” it is assumed Pietro is still alive at this time. So he probably died sometime between May 20, 1648, and April 10, 1650, which is less than a 2 year span. Unfortunately, a Sciacca burial record for Pietro has not been found, so for now, this is all that’s known about them.

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Vincenzo Rizzuto was baptized as Francesco Vincenzo on February 13, 1553, in the mother church parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, the son of Angelo Rizzuto and his unnamed wife. (Mouse over and click on his Latin baptism record image upper right to enlarge it in a new window or tab.)

On March 22, 1573, Sciacca notary Stefano Caruso filed a notarial marriage contract for Vincenzo and Caterina Genoisi. She was probably born about 1555, the daughter of Gregoli Genoisi and his unnamed wife. A Sciacca baptism record could not be found for her, but one was found for her brother Francesco Genoisi, who was baptized on January 7, 1558, in the mother church parish. Less than two weeks after Vincenzo and Caterina’s marriage contract was filed, on April 4, 1573, 20 year-old Vincenzo married Caterina at the Sciacca mother church. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marriage record image left to enlarge it in a new window or tab.) They are the parents of two ancestors.

Seven Sciacca mother church baptism records have been found for the children of Vincenzo and Caterina Rizzuto, who were also listed as Rizuto with sometimes either a di or lo title listed before the surname. The six baptisms found are as follows — Giovanni, born less than 8 months after the marriage, was baptized as Jo: on November 29, 1573; Angelo, named after his paternal grandfather, was baptized on November 9, 1576; a child whose name is difficult to read, but may be a daughter named Elisabetta, who was baptized as Battista or Bittuza on July 8, 1579; ancestor Leonardo; Biaggio was baptized as Blasius on February 3, 1585, and grew up to marry Maria Fazio, the daughter of ancestor Pietro Antonio Fazio on February 7, 1627; ancestor Margarita; and Antonino Francesco, who was baptized on September 4, 1591.

It is documented that Vincenzo and Caterina were both alive when their daughter ancestor Margarita was married on November 25, 1607. It is also documented that Vincenzo was deceased by July 6, 1625, when their son ancestor Leonardo was married. So Vincenzo died sometime during that almost 18 year span. It is not known when Caterina died. Unfortunately, nothing else is known about them.


Nicolò Tomao’s ancestry is unknown, but he lived and raised a family in the St. Michele parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy. On November 26, 1583, Nicolò married Angelica Bellanti at the Sciacca mother church, which is officially called the Basilica of Maria Santissima del Soccorso. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marriage record image upper right to enlarge it in a new window or tab.) Angelica, who is also called Angela or Antonella on some records, was the daughter of Paolo Bellanti and his unnamed wife. Baptism records for Nicolò and Angelica have not been found, but baptism records for two of Angelica’s siblings were found. Her sister Pituza Leonarda was baptized on May 9, 1563; and her brother Pietro Antonino on December 23, 1567.

Eight Sciacca baptism records have been found for the children of Nicolò and Angelica Tomao. The first child was baptized in the mother church parish and the other seven in the St. Michele parish as follows — Giovanna Francesca on February 7, 1586; Nunizo Natali was baptized 10 years later on October 24, 1596, the first to be baptized in the St. Michele parish; another Giovanna was baptized as Joanna on July 1, 1600; Antonino Natali on December 25, 1602; Accursia was baptized as Accursia Joanna on December 8, 1603; ancestor Leonarda; Margarita Beatrice on January 10, 1610; and Nunzia Vita on November 21, 1614. They probably had a several other children born in the 10 year gap between the first two mentioned above, but Sciacca records could not be found for them. They may have lived in another town during those ten years.

It is documented that Nicolò was deceased when his daughter ancestor Leonarda was married on July 6, 1625. On January 27, 1621, Sciacca notary Antonino Buscemi filed Nicolò’s will. (Mouse over and click on will entry left to enlarge it in a new window or tab.) Less than a week later on February 2, 1621, his death and burial in the St. Vito cemetery was recorded in the St. Michele burial records. (Mouse over and click on his Latin burial record image lower right to enlarge it in a new window or tab.) This record states, Nicolaus Thomao, 50 years old . . . died in his own house this morning. He was probably older than 50 when he died, as this would put his birth to about 1571, which would make him 12 years old when he married. He most likely was closer to 60 at the time of his death. It is not known when Angelica died. For now this is all that is known about them.

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Angelo Rizzuto’s ancestry is unknown, but he lived and raised a family in the mother church parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy. A Sciacca marriage record or contract can not be found for his name.

Six mother church baptism records have been found for the children of Angilo Rizzuto, Rizuto or Lo Rizuto. None of the records list a mother’s name, and some are extremely difficult to read. They are as follows — Onofria was baptized as Nofria Benuinutta in November of 1541, no day was listed; Mafello Nardo on April 16, 1544; Giuseppe Francesco on October 8, 1547; Angelica Nofria on May 27, 1550; ancestor Vincenzo; and Ambrosio, who was baptized as Ambroxus on December 8, 1555.

It is not known when Angelo died, so for now nothing else is known about him.

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