Onofria Mandracchia's Ancestors

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Translations provided by members of the GenAG - Genealogie Agrigentine and the Italian Genealogical Records Facebook groups.
Note that the Latin months September thru December are often written in numbers, 7ber, 8ber, 9ber and 10ber, respectively.

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Giuseppe Mandracchia was born on the evening of January 13, 1782, and baptized that same night as Joseph Marius Antonius in the mother church parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, the son of Onofria Verde and Vincenzo Mandracchia. (Mouse over and click on his Latin baptism record image upper right to enlarge in a new window or tab.)

On January 24th, 31st and February 2nd of 1808, banns were read for Giuseppe to marry Liboria Sclafani. She was born and baptized as Liboria Leonarda Paula on November 6, 1783, the daughter of Vincenza Bentivegna and her husband Giuseppe Sclafani. (Mouse over and click on her Latin baptism record image middle right to enlarge in a new window or tab.) A few weeks after the last banns were read, 26 year-old Giuseppe married 24 year-old Liboria on February 18, 1808, at the St Michele church in Sciacca. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marriage image upper left to enlarge in a new window/tab.)

Five mother church baptism records have been found for the children of Joseph Mandracchia and Liboria Sclafani as follows — Onofria was born on May 30, 1810, and baptized as Honophria Elisabetta Antonia the next day after her paternal grandmother, but she probably died young; Vincenzo was born on August 5, 1813, baptized the next day as Vincenzius Calogerus after his paternal grandfather, and grew up to marry Giuseppa Friscia, the daughter of ancestors Gaetano Fricsia and Caterina Licata; ancestor Onofria; Giuseppe was born and baptized as Joseph Alphoncius Vincentius, after his maternal grandfather, on the morning of August 20, 1820; and Mario Salvatore, who was born on July 21, 1825, late in the day and baptized the next day, but died at 5 years old on December 14, 1830. There is another son whose baptism record has not been found yet, name Antonino, who was born about 1828, married Giovanna Speziale and died in Sciacca on March 10, 1904.

There are a few interesting facts about these children. Their eldest son Vincenzo married Giuseppa Friscia, on the same day as his sister, ancestor Onofria, married Giuseppa’s brother ancestor Antonino. Their second son Giuseppe married Lucia La Rocca and their great-grandson married in New York, Lucy, daughter of ancestors Leonardo Marotta and Calogera Chiarello.

In 1830 Giuseppe was a sailor who lived in Quartiero Madrice, the mother church parish of Sciacca. Apparently the family moved sometime prior to 1836 and he changed his occupation. His profession on his death record is listed as Contadino which means farmer in English. 

Giuseppe died on September 2, 1836, at age 50 at home, in Quartiero Santo Vito, the St. Vito parish of Sciacca. (Mouse over and click on his death record image left to enlarge in a new window/tab.)

Apparently Liboria left the farm as she died at home in Quartiero Madrice in Sciacca at age 60 on December 21, 1854, as the widow of Giuseppe Mandracchia. Her occupation on her death record is listed as Industriosa which means industrious or hard-working in English. (Mouse over and click on her death record image right to enlarge in a new window/tab.)

Unfortunately, nothing else is known about them.

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Vincenzo Mandracchia was born on the morning of January 5, 1755, and baptized as Vincenzo Francesco Mario that same day in the mother church parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, the son of Mario Mandracchia and his wife Anna Guardino. (Mouse over and click on his baptism record image upper right to enlarge in a new window/tab.) He is named after both of his grandfathers according to the Italian naming tradition.

On August 29th, September 5th and 8th of 1779, marriage banns were read in Sciacca, for Vincenzo to marry Onofria Verde. She was born on the morning of September 19, 1756, and baptized as Onuphria Maria after her paternal grandmother, that same day, also in the mother church parish of Sciacca, the daughter of Carlo Verde and Accursia Ciulla. (Mouse over and click on her baptism record image lower right to enlarge in a new window/tab.) She is also the older sister of ancestor Michelangelo Verde. Twenty-four year-old Vincenzo and 23 year-old Onofria were married in the Sciacca mother church on September 17, 1779. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marriage image upper left to enlarge in a new window/tab.)

Seven mother church baptism records have been found for the children of Vincenzo and Onofria Mandracchia. On these records her named is spelled many different ways, Honuphrie, Onophria, Onuphria, Onufra, and Oniphria. Their children were as follows — Mario, named after his paternal grandfather, was born and baptized as Marius Vincencius Joseph on October 14, 1780, but probably died young; ancestor Giuseppe, who was given a middle name after his paternal grandfather; another Mario was born on the evening of November 26, 1784, and baptized as Marius Joseph, the next day; Carlos was born and baptized as Carolus Joseph Franciscus on the evening of November 8, 1787; Anna Maria, named after her paternal grandmother, was born on November 11, 1790, and baptized the next day; Accursia Maria Anna, named after both of her grandmothers, was born and baptized on the evening of March 12, 1795; and Maria Accursia, who was born on September 28, 1798, and baptized the next day.

Vincenzo died a widower at the Hospital of Santa Maria on February 10, 1829, in Sciacca. On Vincenzo's civil death record his occupation is listed as Marinaro which translates to seafaring in English, meaning he was a sailor. His death record also states he was 70 years old, which is incorrect as he was 74 years old when he died.  (Mouse over and click on Vincenzo's civil death record image lower left to enlarge in a new window/tab.) A Sciacca church burial record could not be found for him. Vincenzo’s civil death record confirms that his wife, Onofria Verde died before him. She was alive when her son Giuseppe was married on February 18, 1808. So she died sometime within that 21 year span. Neither a civil death record or a church burial record could be found for her.

Unfortunately, nothing more is known about Onofria and Vincenzo.


Giuseppe Sclafani was born on the morning of February 12, 1746, and baptized that same day as Joseph Maria Jacobus, in the mother church parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, the son of Vincenzo Sclafani and his wife Anna Turano. (Mouse over and click on his baptism record image upper right to enlarge in a new window/tab.)

On January 9, 1771, in Sciacca, Giuseppe married Vincenza Bentivegna, who was born about 1758, the daughter of Paolo Bentivegna and his wife Rosa Giordano. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marriage image left to enlarge in a new window/tab.) A Sciacca baptism record could not be found for her, but her parents names are clearly written on her marriage document.

Seven Sciacca Baptism records have been found for the children of Joseph and Vincenza Sclafani, six in the St Michele parish and only one in the mother church parish. The baptisms are as follows –- Anna Maria was born and baptized in the St. Michele parish on October 10, 1772, and named after her paternal grandmother; Rosa Maria was born on October 13, 1775, baptized the next day after her maternal grandmother, and died on May 3, 1852, at the Monastery of Valverde, listed as a Sorella Professa which translates to Professed Sister; Maria Michaela Francesca was born on January 30, 1778, and baptized the next day; their eldest son Vincenzo was born on January 7, 1781, baptized the next day after his paternal grandfather, was a Marinaro like his father, and died on December 9, 1831, married to a Rosa Friscia; ancestor Liboria; Gaspare was born and baptized in the mother church parish as Gaspar Vincenzius Antonius on August 19, 1790, was a Marinaro like his father and brother and died on May 25, 1863, the widower of Anna Sclafani; and Balthasar Joseph Paulus, who was born on February 12, 1795, and baptized the next day in the St. Michele parish. Balthasar may be the Paolo Sclafani who was married to Anna Mandracchia, and had their eldest son named Giuseppe and their eldest daughter named Vincenza.

Vincenza died at home on September 23, 1828. Her civil death record lists her as the 70 year-old wife of Giuseppe Sclafani. It also lists an incorrect surname of Bongiovi for her mother. Five months later, Giuseppe also died at home in Quartiero Madrice (mother church parish) in Sciacca on February 15, 1829, at the age of 80. His civil death record also lists his mother’s surname incorrectly as Zilla. His occupation is listed as Marinaro which means seafaring in English. (Mouse over and click on images left for Giuseppe's civil death record and right for Vincenza's civil death record to enlarge each in a new window/tab.) It is obvious that whoever gave the information for their death certificates, did not know them very well as both of their mother’s surnames were incorrect. This is a common error on death records and it’s a very real problem for researchers. Unfortunately, nothing more is known about them.

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Mario Mandracchia was born and baptized as Marius Natalis Vincenzius, after his paternal grandfather, on December 24, 1721, in the mother church parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, the son of Anna Sutera and her husband Vincenzo Mandracchia. (Mouse over and click on his baptism record image upper right to enlarge in a new window/tab.)

On October 23rd, 28th and 30th of 1746 church banns were read for 24 year-old Mario to marry Alberta Catania. They married at the mother church on November 9, 1746. Mario and Alberta, sometimes called Elizabet, had two children, both baptized in the Sciacca mother church as follows — Vincenzio Joseph, named after his paternal grandfather, was born and baptized on the evening of August 30, 1747, and probably died young; and Giovanna, born and baptized as Joanna on the morning of September 22, 1750, died at 8 months old and was buried on June 12, 1751. There is a 1747 Sciacca Rivelo (tax record) that lists Mario incorrectly as being 22 years old, his wife Alberta and their 1 year old son Vincenzo. Giovanna wasn’t born yet. It list’s Mario’s father as Vincenzo, but his mother is listed incorrectly as Alberta. They didn’t own much, so no taxes were due.(Mouse over and click on Mario's Rivelo image upper left to enlarge in a new window/tab.) Six years later Alberta died and was buried in the mother church cemetery on February 20, 1753. On her burial record she is listed as Alberta wife of Marius Mandracchia 35 years old. Because Mario had another son named Vincenzo, it is assumed her son Vincenzo also died, but a burial record for him could not be found. Five months after his wife died, Mario remarried.

On July 22nd, 25th and 26th of 1753 church banns were read for Mario to marry Anna Guardino. She was born and baptized as Anna Maria on November 15, 1728, in the mother church parish, the daughter of Calogera Corrao and her husband Vincenzo Guardino. (Mouse over and click on her baptism record image lower right to enlarge in a new window/tab.) Thirty-one year old Mario and 24 year-old Anna were married on July 29, 1753, at the mother church, in Sciacca. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marriage image lower left to enlarge in a new window/tab.)

Only 4 Sciacca mother church baptism records have been found for the children of Mario and Anna Mandracchia as follows — ancestor Vincenzo, named after his paternal grandfather; Leonarda Maria was born on the evening of December 28, 1758, and baptized the next day; Calogero, was born on January 28, 1761, and baptized as Calogerius the next day; and a daughter Brigida, who was born on August 11, 1768, and baptized as Brigitta Maria the next day, and died in the Santa Maria da Misericordia Hospital in Sciacca on September 11, 1821, at the age of 53. No other baptism records for children of Mario and Anna have been found in the three Sciacca churches that have records available for research for this time period.

It is not known when Mario and Anna died, but they were both alive when their son, Vincenzo was married on September 17, 1779. Mario was still alive, but Anna was deceased at the time of their daughter Brigida's death in 1821. Unfortunately, at this time, nothing else is known about Mario and Anna.


Vincenzo Sclafani was born and baptized as Vincenzius Michael Libertinus on November 3, 1710, in the mother church parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, the son of Caterina Imbornone and her husband Gaspare Sclafani. (Mouse over and click on his baptism record image upper right to enlarge in a new window/tab.) Vincenzo is listed as being 2 years old on his father’s 1714 Sciacca Rivelo (tax record). (See image in his father's bio below.)

In 1734 on August 29th, September 1st and 8th, church banns were read for Vincenzo to marry Anna Turano. She was baptized in the St. Vito parish of Sciacca, as Anna Ignazia on May 17, 1710, the daughter of Giacomo Turano and Antonina Prinzivalli. (Mouse over and click on her baptism record image lower right to enlarge in a new window/tab.) Just about a month after the last banns were read, Vincenzo, who was a month shy of being 24 years old and Anna, who was just over 24 years old, were married on October 4, 1734, in the Sciacca mother church. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marriage image left to enlarge in a new window/tab.) On that same day, Vincenzo’s older sister Nunzia married Giacomo Turano, the widowed father of his bride Anna. So Vincenzo’s father-in-law was also his brother-in-law!

Six mother church baptism records have been found for the children of Vincenzo and Anna Sclafani, who are sometimes listed with an alias of Zillo as follows — Gaspare, named after his paternal grandfather, was born and baptized as Gaspare Antonius Mattius on September 21, 1735; Giovanna was born on August 22, 1740, and baptized the next day as Joanna Maria; Giuseppe was born on October 1, 1743, and baptized the next day as Joseph Jacobus, which is Latin for Giacomo, his maternal grandfather’s name, but he probably died young; ancestor Giuseppe; Pietro was born and baptized as Pietrus on the morning of October 10, 1756; and Calogero, who was born and baptized as Calogerus Joseph on December 31, 1759. It should be noted that on ancestor Giuseppe’s dearth record his mother’s surname is listed as Zilla, which is the family’s alias.

It is not known when Vincenzo and Anna died, but he was deceased and she was alive on January 9, 1771, when their son Giuseppe was married. At this time, nothing else is known about Vincenzo and Anna.

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Paolo Bentivegna was born on the evening of February 23, 1708, and baptized the next day as Paulus Antonius Mattheus in the mother church parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, the son of Ignazia Bivona and her husband Pietro Bentivegna. (Mouse over and click on his baptism record image upper right to enlarge in a new window/tab.) He was also the brother of ancestor Filippo who married Angela Modica.

The banns for his marriage to Rosa Giordano were read on November 4th, 11th and 18th. Rosa was born on October 29, 1713, and baptized in the St. Michele parish of Sciacca the next day as Rosa Catharina, the daughter of Calogera Catanzaro and her husband Michele Giordano. (Mouse over and click on her baptism record image lower right to enlarge in a new window/tab.) Twenty-three year old Paolo and 18 year-old Rosa were married on November 19, 1731, one day after the last banns were read at the mother church in Sciacca. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marriage image left to enlarge in a new window/tab.) The Ganino Italian Surnames website states that Rosa’s surname, “Giordano is very common throughout Italy, . . can derive both from the Latin surname Gordianus, and from the medieval Italian name Giordano, and from the French one Jourdain.

Seven mother church baptism records have been found for the children of Paulo and Rosa Bentivegna as follows — Ignazia was born and baptized as Ignazia Josepha Phi, after her paternal grandmother, on the evening of November 3, 1734; Giuseppe was born and baptized as Joseph Antonius Paschalis on February 17, 1739; Calogera Angela was born on the evening of April 18, 1741, and baptized the next day, with the name of her maternal grandmother; Michele was born and baptized as Michael Vincenzius, after his maternal grandfather, on the evening of January 6, 1744; Nicolò was born on June 24, 1745, and baptized as Nicoliaus Dominicus the next day; Paolo was born and baptized as Paulus Francescus on the evening of November 11, 1748; and another Michele was born late on August 10, 1751, and baptized as Michael Ignazius the next day. Baptism record for ancestor Vincenza has not yet been found.

There is a 1747 Sciacca Rivelo (tax record) in his name which is interesting, but confusing. (Mouse over and click on this Rivelo image left to enlarge in a new window/tab.) It is for a 47 year-old Paolo (born about 1700), his wife Rosa and their 5 children. The eldest son is listed as 26 year-old Pietro, then the second son, 20 year-old Giuseppe, then the first daughter listed is named Ignazia, the second daughter is named Calogera, and lastly a 3 year-old son named Nicolò. The eldest son and daughter’s names are the names of ancestor Paolo’s parents. Ancestor Rosa’s mother was Calogera, the name of the second daughter. This all seems to point that this is ancestor Paolo’s family, but the parents listed on the Rivelo are Onofrio and Vita Bentivegna. So this brings up a few questions. Why aren’t any children named Onofrio or Vita? Are the parents listed here an error, or is it just a coincidence that these children’s names match ancestor Paolo’s parents?

It is not known when Paolo and Rosa died, but they both were alive on January 9, 1771, when their daughter ancestor Vincenza was married and deceased by September 23, 1828, when she died. Two Sciacca burial records have been found for a Paulus Bentivegna, and either one could be this ancestor, but the ages are both 11 years off. The first is dated September 26, 1779, for a 60 year old Paulo, but the ancestor would have been 71 years old on this date. The second one is dated January 29, 1794, for a 96 year-old Paulo, but the ancestor would have been 85 years old on this date. It is also the possible that neither one is for him. There is no other information on these records to identify who he is, so his death and burial with remain a mystery. Unfortunately, nothing else is known about them.


Gaspare Sclafani was born on June 10, 1675, and baptized the next day as Gasparo Francicus Barnabus, in the mother church parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, the son of Calogero Sclafani alias Lo Zillo and his wife Nunzia, whose surname is unknown. (Mouse over and click on his baptism record image upper right to enlarge in a new window/tab.) On January 10, 1700, 24 year-old Gaspare married a woman named Rose Bentivegna, at St. Michele church in Sciacca. Sadly, she died only six months later on June 6, 1700.

Four years later, church banns were read on August 24th, 31st and September 7th of 1704 for Gaspare to marry Caterina Imbornone. She was born and baptized as Caterina Jacoba Anna on October 20, 1674, in the mother church parish of Sciacca, the daughter of Maria Bivona and her husband Geronimo Imbornone. (Mouse over and click on her baptism record image lower right to enlarge in a new window/tab.) She is also the sister of ancestor Ignazio who married Rose Fiorentino. Twenty-nine year-old Gaspare married almost 30 year-old Caterina on September 21, 1704, at the Sciacca mother church. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marriage image upper left to enlarge in a new window/tab.)

Only four Sciacca mother church baptism records have been found for the children of Gaspare and Caterina Sclafani, one with the alais of Zillo as follows — Nunzia, named after her paternal grandmother, was born and baptized as Nunzia Joanna Antonina on July 9, 1705, and married the widowed ancestor Giacomo Turano on the same day as her younger brother ancestor Vincenzo married Giacomo’s daughter Anna; Antonina Margarita was born on the evening of October 29, 1707, and baptized the next day; ancestor Vincenzo; and Calogero, who was born on July 13, 1715, and baptized the next day as Calogerius Ignaius Aurelius.

There is a Sciacca Rivelo (tax return) dated July 10, 1714, for this family. It lists Gaspare as 46 years old, his wife Caterina and their three children, 2 year-old Vincenzo, and daughters Nunzia and Antonina. At the top of the record, Gaspare’s father is listed as the deceased Calogero. The family’s assets are listed in three categories including beni stabili, which are non-moveable possessions (house, land, etc.), so it looks like they owned their home and were doing well. (Mouse over and click on Gaspare's Rivelo image lower left to enlarge in a new window/tab.)

It is not known yet, when Gaspare and Caterina died, but she was deceased and he was alive when their son ancestor Vincenzo was married on October 4, 1734. For now this is all that is known about them.

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Giacomo Turano was born on February 23, 1674, and was baptized the next day as Jacobus Joseph Matthius, in the St. Vito parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, the son of Francisco Turano and his second wife Francisca Catania. (Mouse over and click on his baptism record image upper right to enlarge in a new window/tab.) His surname has been spelled differently on various records, Thorano, Turino and Torano, but mostly as Turano. On most of the records he is called magister, which meant he was highly regarded in his craft.

On November 7th, 14th and 21st, church banns were read for Giacomo to marry Antonina Prinzivalli. She was born on October 11, 1677, and baptized also in the St. Vito parish of Sciacca, the next day as Antonina Rosalia after her maternal grandmother, the daughter of Anne Avona and her husband Francesco Prinzivalli. (Mouse over and click on her baptism record image middle right to enlarge in a new window/tab.) Twenty-six year old Jacobu and 23 year-old Antonina were married on November 27, 1700, at the St. Michele church in Sciacca. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marriage image upper left to enlarge in a new window/tab.)

Seven Sciacca baptism records have been found for the children of Jacobo and Antonina Turano. The first two and their last child were baptized in the mother church parish and the others in the St. Vito parish of Sciacca as follows — Francesco, named after his paternal grandfather, was born on the evening of September 10, 1701, and baptized as Franciscus Ignazius Jacobbus the next day; Ignazio was born on the morning of February 26, 1704, and baptized as Ignatius Petrus that same day, but died at 6 years old on May 12, 1710; Anna Francisca, named after her maternal grandmother, was born on May 3, 1707, and baptized the next day, but died and was buried on July 8, 1709, only 2 years old; Giuseppe, named after two of his great-grandfathers, was born on the morning of April 5, 1709, and was baptized as Joseph Antonius Vitus the next day; ancestor Anna; another Ignazio was born on September 16, 1713, and baptized the next day as Ignazius Xavaeriso, but died only 7 days later; and another Ignazio was born on the morning of June 7, 1718, and baptized that same day as Ignazius Antonius.

Antonina died and was buried in the St. Francisco cemetery outside the city on October 30, 1730. Her burial record lists her as Antonina wife of Master Jacobi Turano age 50, but she was actually 53 years old at the time of her death. (Mouse over and click on her burial record image lower right to enlarge in a new window or tab.)

Four years later, on October 4, 1734, the same day that their daughter ancestor Anna married Vincenzo Sclafani, 60 year-old ancestor Giacomo married Vincenzo’s older sister the unmarried Nunzia Sclafani, who was 29 years old, at the Sciacca mother church. This makes his son-in-law also his brother-in-law! No baptism records have been found for children of this marriage.

A mother church burial record has been found for Giacomo’s Latin name, but the age is off by 8 years. It lists him as Master Jacobus Torano age about 81, who was buried in the mother church cemetery. (Mouse over and click on the church burial record image lower left to enlarge it in a new window or tab.) If this is his burial, he would have been 73 years old when he died. There is no other identifying information on this record, but it does seem likely this is for ancestor Giacomo.

At this time, nothing else is known about them.


Michele Giordano was born and baptized as Michael Paulus on the evening of October 22, 1687, in the St. Michele parish of Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy, the son of Matteo Giordano and his wife Angela Modica. (Mouse over and click on his baptism record image upper right to enlarge in a new window/tab.)

On April 21st, 22nd and 27th of 1710, church banns were read for Michele to marry Calogera Catanzaro. She was born and baptized as Calogera Accursia on the evening of December 19, 1694, in the mother church parish of Sciacca, the daughter of Lorenzo Catanzaro and his wife Costanza, whose surname is unknown. (Mouse over and click on her baptism record image middle right to enlarge in a new window/tab.)Twenty-two year old Michele and 15 year-old Calogera were married on Saturday, June 7, 1710, at the Sciacca mother church. (Mouse over and click on their Latin church marriage image upper left to enlarge in a new window/tab.)

Because baptism records are missing for both St. Michele and St. Vito churches for about 35 years after 1715, only two St. Michele baptism records have been found for the children of Michaele and Calogera Giordano as follows — eldest daughter Angela, named after her paternal grandmother was born on April 24, 1711, and baptized as Angela Margarita the next day; and ancestor Rosa. They most likely had many other children, but even marriage records for St. Michele’s and St. Vito’s for when their children would have married are missing. No children were found in the mother church records for them.

It is documented that both Michele and Calogera were alive when their daughter ancestor Rosa was married on November 19, 1731. Michele died and was buried on February 13, 1749, in the mother church cemetery. (Mouse over and click on his burial record image lower right to enlarge in a new window or tab.) His mother church burial record lists him as Michael Giordano about 63 years old, but he was only 61 at the time of his death. Three years later, his wife Calogera died and was buried in the Convent of St. Maria di Monte Carmelo cemetery on August 11, 1752. (Mouse over and click on her burial record image lower right to enlarge in a new window or tab.) Her mother church burial record lists her as Calogera wife of the deceased Michael’s Girodano about 71 years old, but she was only 57 years old when she died. How her listed age as 14 years older than she actually was is a mystery, but this is the only burial record that could be for her.

Unfortunately, at this time, nothing else is known about them.

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